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Collaborating for Resilience (CORE) Sharing the Learning Event-Experience from India Trip 19 February 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Collaborating for Resilience (CORE) Sharing the Learning Event-Experience from India Trip 19 February 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Collaborating for Resilience (CORE) Sharing the Learning Event-Experience from India Trip 19 February 2014

2 Exposing to Different Experiences FES Learning and Sharing AAS Program-Cambodia and the Philippines

3 Overview of CORE Approach

4 Appreciation-Influence-Control Model

5 CORE Principles: Creating the Conditions for Transformation

6 Seven key questions Outlining in the Dialogue process Listening 2. What are the possibilities? 3. What are the realities now? Dialogue 4. What are the priorities for action? 5. Who will support and who will oppose them? Choice 6. What will you do? 7. Will that achieve the purpose? Orienting 1. What is the purpose?

7 The Three Stage of CORE

8 Exploring Potential for Collaboration

9 Mapping the context of issues and stakeholders

10 Defining a focus for dialogue

11 Forming a group to lead the process

12 Facilitating Dialogue and Action

13 Seven Framing Questions

14 The Role of Facilitators and Participants in each Phase

15 Listening Phase Use full abilities of observation and understanding to appreciate others perspectives. DO NOT JUDGE DO NOT CRITICIZE DO NOT DEBATE Try to understand the issue, possibility (Opportunities), and reality.

16 The Dialogue Phase This phase is characterized by intense debate. Negotiate and debate the differences aiming to influence one another BUT maintaining respect.

17 Choice Phase Make choice about actions that they are prepared to commit to – it focuses on each person’s realm of control. Choose their commitments without coercion, motivated by their specific appreciation.

18 Sample Action Planning Matrix

19 Sample Action Plan Purpose: Effective Approach in Research in Development

20 Evaluating Outcomes and Sustaining Collaboration

21 Evaluating Outcomes The cycle of action and learning Defining purpose of monitoring and evaluation activities Using monitoring and evaluation to promote learning Sustaining collaboration

22 How CORE Be Incorporated to AAS Program?

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