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Social Development. What is the basic idea of Social Development?  Created by Erik Erikson in 1968  Eight stage approach to development –Each stage.

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Presentation on theme: "Social Development. What is the basic idea of Social Development?  Created by Erik Erikson in 1968  Eight stage approach to development –Each stage."— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Development

2 What is the basic idea of Social Development?  Created by Erik Erikson in 1968  Eight stage approach to development –Each stage focuses on an issue or crisis that is important at that time of life.  Two ways to resolve each stage: Positive and negative  Develop throughout lifetime (no end)

3 Stage 1: Trust vs. Mistrust  0-1 Years old  Learn: –Needs met OR –Mistrust the world  Ex. Baby cries for food –Mom feeds it (needs met) OR –Not fed (no comfort)  Main relationship is with parents

4 Stage 2: Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt  1-2 Years Old  Learn: –To make choices and to control themselves (potty training, behavior, etc) OR –They doubt that they can do things by themselves –Play on their own  Children challenge the limits being set  Main relationship is with siblings

5 Stage 3: Initiative vs. Guilt  3-5 Years old  Learn: –To initiate own activities and enjoy successes OR –Feel guilty for their attempts at independence  Need for positive affirmation  Main relationship is with other family

6 Stage 4: Industry vs. Inferiority  6-puberty  Learn: –To develop as sense of industry and eagerness to learn OR –Feel inferior and lose interest  Main relationship is at school

7 Stage 5: Identity vs. Role Confusion  Adolescence  Learn: –Who they are, OR –Become confused about what they want in life  Main relationship is with peers  “Trying on hats”

8 Stage 6: Intimacy vs. Isolation  Early Adulthood  Learn: –To commit themselves to another person OR –Develop a sense of isolation and feel they are alone  Main relationship is to a partner  Some women do this step BEFORE doing Identity vs. Role Confusion

9 Stage 7: Generativity vs. Stagnation  Middle Age  Learn: –To have and care for children and devote themselves to their passions OR –Become self-centered and inactive  Main relationship is to children  Sometimes occurs much younger and before other steps (teenage pregnancy)

10 Stage 8: Integrity vs. Despair  Old Age  Learn: –To reflect on life and face death with acceptance and dignity OR –Despair for their unaccomplished goals, failures, and ill-spent lives  Main relationship is to society  Story-telling

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