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Journal 11/19 How have you started to manage your time better with your new SMART goal? What is an example of a relationship that you see in your life.

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Presentation on theme: "Journal 11/19 How have you started to manage your time better with your new SMART goal? What is an example of a relationship that you see in your life."— Presentation transcript:

1 Journal 11/19 How have you started to manage your time better with your new SMART goal? What is an example of a relationship that you see in your life that you would like your personal relationships to be modeled after?

2 Values and Boundaries Values- beliefs about rights and wrongs which guide how one acts Boundaries- behavioral limits that a person sets for themselves for their own well-being which are based on their values

3 Keeping Personal Boundaries Safe How are you going to communicate and stand up for you boundaries if you don’t know what they are? Take the time right now to jot down 6 limitations that you have for yourself based on your values (3 boundaries for friendships and 3 for boyfriend/girlfriend relationships)

4 How to Live by your Values COMMUNICATE- be open and honest with how you feel Avoid the situations or people that you don’t feel respect from If it feels wrong, it probably IS -especially for you Focus on the relationships that make you feel GOOD about who you are Family relationships are extremely important to maintain and are even more important to have during the adolescent years than any other time

5 Controlling Relationships Controlling- always wanting to know what you’re doing, checking your phone/email/etc, constantly together/talking/texting/etc, making you feel guilty for spending time with others, making plans for you without your consent These types of relationships often lead to abusive relationships

6 Abusive Relationships Emotional- verbally bringing a person down so that they feel worthless or have lower self confidence Physical-any kind of violence and physical contact that is done out of anger or uncontrolled emotion Sexual- unwanted sexual advances (verbal or physical) that make a person uncomfortable

7 Teen Dating Violence

8 What can you do? Communicate that the behavior needs to change Get help from a trusted adult Talk things through with an older sibling Avoid the person/ Cut ties with them ??????

9 Role Play With a partner, decide how to deal with the situation given to you Make sure it’s REALISTIC!! Write it out on a piece of paper and act it out with your partner- You’ll hand it in at the end so make sure BOTH of your names are on it!

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