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Leading Parent Partnership Award Why is Parent Partnerships so important at Newton Farm School?

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Presentation on theme: "Leading Parent Partnership Award Why is Parent Partnerships so important at Newton Farm School?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Leading Parent Partnership Award Why is Parent Partnerships so important at Newton Farm School?

2 What does Research tell us? Consider these research findings: “At the age of seven parental influence on learning is six times that of the school. At the age of eleven or twelve parental influence on learning is 30 per cent greater than that of the school. After the age of twelve, children – as they grow and mature – become their own greatest influence. At no point does the school have the greatest influence.” “At the age of seven parental influence on learning is six times that of the school. At the age of eleven or twelve parental influence on learning is 30 per cent greater than that of the school. After the age of twelve, children – as they grow and mature – become their own greatest influence. At no point does the school have the greatest influence.”

3 How does the LPPA relate to Primary schools? Working effectively with parents and carers to help them to support their children’s learning and development is crucial, right through from reception to Year 6. In primary the LPPA Programme helps schools to enhance their existing work with parents and carers by, for example: Encouraging the use of a wide range of communicating strategies, from the traditional newsletter to the school’s virtual learning environment. Giving guidance for simple but creative ways of providing curriculum information and practical advice that will enable parents and carers to support their children’s learning. Developing joint parent and child enrichment activities, so that parents, carers and their children can enjoy learning together. Developing effective management strategies to build a sustainable approach to parent partnership across the school. Providing evidence that meets Ofsted’s requirement for parental engagement.

4 The LPPA Framework The Framework of Objectives: Each element of the LPPA Programme is based around the 10 Objectives of the LPPA Framework. These are the key areas through which high quality parent partnership is delivered in LPPA schools and other educational settings.

5 LPPA Objectives Objective 1: Commitment Commitment of all key partners Objective 2: Planning Planning to deliver and maintain the LPPA. Objective 3: Welcome and communications Ensuring a welcoming environment and communication systems that respond to parent/carer needs. Objective 4: Lifelong learning for parents and carers Provision of learning opportunities for parents to support their child’s and their own learning. Objective 5: Enrichment activities – joint parent and child learning A programme of enrichment opportunities that encourage parents and children to enjoy learning together.

6 LPPA Objectives Objective 6: Induction Induction of parents and carers when their children join the school or setting. Objective 7: Information and guidance To enable parents and carers to support their children’s learning. Objective 8: Policies Consultation and family-friendly policies to support pupil and student learning and development. Objective 9: Transition Engagement of parents and carers when their children move on to the next stage of education, training or employment. Objective 10: Evaluation Each Objective is broken down into a number of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that encourage a systematic approach to achieving the Award

7 Why has Newton Farm engaged with LPPA To engage with parents and create better relationships, To create positive home-school links, To develop positive attitudes towards school/authority and clear any previous misconceptions due to personal past experiences, To raise parents’ aspirations, To raise parents’ confidence and self-esteem, To develop parents’ skills and career opportunities so they have choices in life, To give parents opportunities they may never have had in their past or in their futures, To provide opportunities for parents and children to interact with each other so parents can support their own child’s learning, To support and develop ‘positive parenting’ by providing ‘positive role model’ opportunities to create better parent/child relationships, To create a better and more positive local community for families.

8 What have been the results of being part of the LPPA since 2010? Improved punctuality, attendance and behaviour Improved pupil progress Increased parental involvement in consultation and learning activities Increased number and range of parents actively involved with the school

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