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28 April 2004 16th ALICE RRB J. Schukraft 16th ALICE RRB Collaboration Status Project Status  Integration, large structures  Detectors (selection) 

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1 28 April 2004 16th ALICE RRB J. Schukraft 16th ALICE RRB Collaboration Status Project Status  Integration, large structures  Detectors (selection)  Planning, Milestones CERN-RRB-2004-044

2 28/4/2004 16th RRB J. Schukraft 2 Collaboration Status Institutes  new: CTU Prague (Czech Republic)  participates in ITS and TDR  contacts: Turkey, Brazil, Spain, Pakistan … Organization  Chris Fabjan re-elected as Technical Coordinator for 3 years  elections in 2004: CB chair (cur: L. Riccati), Deputy Spokesperson (cur: Y. Schutz) Funding Issues  US participation (~ 10 M$): EMCAL for jet physics  NSAC sub committee on US heavy ion program (GSI/RHIC/LHC)  intermediate report by July, final report by September 2004  Japanese participation (~ 10 M$): TRD, PHOS  proposal re-submitted end 2003, feedback expected spring 2004  Chinese participation (~ 3 MSF): PHOS  new proposal at NSFC, no reaction so far.. Consequences for PHOS  with the resources available we will be able to built only 3 modules  1 ready for installation in 2006/2007/2008 each..

3 28/4/2004 16th RRB J. Schukraft 3 ALICE Detector TPC PHOS Muon arm TOF TRD HMPID PMD ITS ACCORDE

4 28/4/2004 16th RRB J. Schukraft 4 Installation, Services, Large Structures Services, electronic racks  design work to root services, cables etc..  first services installed at back door of L3  concern: magnetic stray field at electronics rack locations (50 G – 200 G)  miniaturization of components since L3-times (eg cooling fans !)  => more sensitive to stray fields  implications & remedies under investigation Space frame & support frames all finished  transferred to SXL2 for load tests and integration with TPC & ITS  additional activity planned for summer 2004  initiated after discussions during the LHCC installation reviews L3 magnet: back door permanently closed in March Muon Magnet: Yoke pre-assembly finished  power test: after summer  installation in final position: starting October Muon absorber  most pieces at CERN, assembly to start in May


6 CR4 22.03.2004C.W.Fabjan 6 Services

7 28/4/2004 16th RRB J. Schukraft 7

8 CR4 22.03.2004C.W.Fabjan 8 Preparing Space Frame for TPC/ITS/TRD/TOF Integration

9 28/4/2004 16th RRB J. Schukraft 9 Closing of L3 back Door Major milestone, achieved on 5 March 2004

10 28/4/2004 16th RRB J. Schukraft 10 Permanent closure of L3 door in RB26 (05/03/04)

11 28/4/2004 16th RRB J. Schukraft 11 L3 Magnet with Support Beams & Service Wheel

12 28/4/2004 16th RRB J. Schukraft 12 Muon Magnet Yoke Muon Yoke arrived from JINR between Oct and February  > 8 months delay ! However, assembly went very smooth  Consequences for Installation: Parallel work in the pit required

13 ALICE CR-4 March 2004 L. Leistam13

14 28/4/2004 16th RRB J. Schukraft 14 Yoke Assembly completed 19 Feb 2004

15 China 10/2003 J. Schukraft 15 complex mechanical piece ~ 100 tons (W, Fe, C, concrete,..)  Material mostly at CERN, assembly will start in May  after extensive re-design ‘to cost’ now slightly below CORE cost !  Global collaboration with Institutes & Industry from over the world Steel cone from Finland Tungsten from China Muon Absorber Components Aluminum from Armenia Concrete from France, Assembly team from Russia, Italian polyethylene Graphite & Steel from India Support from Italy Lead from England

16 28/4/2004 16th RRB J. Schukraft 16 Silicon Pixel Detector SPD successful system beam test Oct. ’03  including full FEE and DAQ bump bonding at VTT (Finland)  5 very good assemblies end ’03 & early ’04 (  > 99%)  production schedule agreed with LHCb  production start April ’04 assembly sites  Padova/Legnaro, Bari operational Status  viable schedule, but tight & little contingency  yield and speed of mass production to be verified  Action:  reduce number of assemblies by ~ 30%  production & assembly yield now estimated to be better Bump Bonding Yield ~ 300 missing channels out of > 200 000

17 28/4/2004 16th RRB J. Schukraft 17 Silicon Drift Detector SDD Detectors  NTD raw material now available from 2 (!) suppliers  start of detector mass production April ’04 FEE  engineering runs ok, sufficient chips available for start of production  production runs start by summer Status  viable schedule, but tight & little contingency  yield and speed of mass production to be verified  Action:  foresee double shifts for assemblies starting in 2005 Pre-production SDD’s

18 28/4/2004 16th RRB J. Schukraft 18 Silicon Strip Detector SSD Production:  sensors  2 producers had production problems (solved now)  Action: additional order to ITC (=> not critical)  FEE electronics: all chips in production  micro-cables & hybrids (Ukraine):  production delayed (funding), now rapid progress Assembly funding by ministry starting May  sites ready; small series pre-production validated  Strasbourg, Trieste, Helsinki, NIKHEF, Nantes to follow Status  viable schedule, but very tight & no contingency  mass production of cables & hybrids on critical path  yield and speed of module assembly to be verified  Action:  startup funding for cables & hybrids found  looking for additional production site in Spain (make use of existing infrastructure & interested groups) P-Hybrid N-Hybrid Sensor

19 28/4/2004 16th RRB J. Schukraft 19TPC Field Cage  most of delay recuperated  finished : June ‘04 Chambers finished by May  IROC: 100 % done, OROC: 75 % done Electronics  well on track for start of installation  decision in rad. tolerant FPGA to be made Services: Gas system finished Planning  system test with beam: May – June 2004  IROC, full electronics, DAQ, DCS  integration tests (ITS, Space Frame): 8-10 ’04  ROC installation: start end ’04  FEE installation: start May ’05  pre-commissioning (laser, cosmics): June ’05 – Feb. ’06  final installation: 5 ‘06 Laser system Final Gas system

20 28/4/2004 16th RRB J. Schukraft 20 Mounting the TPC Central Electrode

21 28/4/2004 16th RRB J. Schukraft 21 Inside the TPC Field Cage

22 22 ALTRO TEST SETUP at LUND ALTRO Mass Production Test

23 28/4/2004 16th RRB J. Schukraft 23 PHOS technical progress correct  crystal production (Apatity, Russia):  very smooth, excellent quality  now 5000 (of 18,000) crystals accepted  ~650 crystals from Ukraine (financed by JINR & Poland)  electronics, mechanics, services:  design & prototyping ongoing but major uncertainties in funding  crystals financed largely from additional resources in Russia (MinAtom, Kurchatov Inst.)  yearly allocation, recent re-structuring of Govt. in Russia ?  no final decision on participation from China & Japan  very good ‘informal’ collaboration & participation in R&D Consequence: ‘staging’ of PHOS modules  current finances sufficient for 3 (out of 5) modules  installation of one module each in 2006/7/8 ALICE & CMS type crystals Apatity, Russia Light Yield

24 28/4/2004 16th RRB J. Schukraft 24 Muon Arm Tracking Chambers: mass production started  Station 1 & 2: new design validated in lab & in beam  Station 3/4/5: all 4 production sites started  large gain dispersion in FEE (Manas) => calibration needed Trigger Chambers: mass production started  chambers, FEE, trigger: all well on track  assembly & integration of full trigger only by mid 2006: somewhat tight Module 0 of Station 2 Kolkata, India Trigger Chambers Production of R/O strips, Torino, Italy

25 28/4/2004 16th RRB J. Schukraft 25 Other Detector Systems HMPID: well on track  50% of modules completed, rest by end 2004  beam test performance above specs; system integration & services very advanced ZDC: well on track  neutron calo’s finished & tested, proton calo’s under construction PMD: well on track  re-location addendum to TDR approved by LHCC; construction started Forward Detectors (V0, T0, FMD): progress, to be accelerated  TDR delayed to September (final design choices to be made) TRD: on track  chamber mass production started (Heidelberg, JINR) or to start in July (GSI, Bucharest)  electronics in production (PASA) or pre-production (TRAP) TOF: on track  module 0, services & FEE chain validated, mass production about to start (tenders ongoing)  HPTDC production run: very low yield ! (under investigation) Trigger, DAQ, HLT, Control (DCS, ECS): TDR submitted Jan 2004  all systems progressing well and on schedule  major activity of integration of these systems with detectors has started

26 CR4 22.03.2004C.W.Fabjan 26 HMPID MODULE 1: RESULTS FROM BEAM TEST PC40 Nominal gain Sensitivity of 4 cathodes Required : > 12 clusters Measured :> 18 clusters Uniformity of gain across Cathode plane

27 28/4/2004 16th RRB J. Schukraft 27 TRD Chamber production lab in JINR Chamber production in Heidelberg Electronics and MCM bonding at FZ Karlsruhe

28 28 HV-DCS (PVSS) LV-DCDC FEA - NINO TDC Readout Module TRM HV system TOF: System test in beam Module 0

29 CR4 22.03.2004C.W.Fabjan 29 DAQ/Detector integration status DATEDDL data generator DDL readout MOOD Data quality monitoring SPD SSD SDD  TPC  In progress  TRD  TOF  HMPID  Muon  In progress PHOS ZDC FMD T0, V0 PMD

30 CR4 22.03.2004C.W.Fabjan 30 Data Challenges reduced number of components (PC’s etc.) available in 2003 reliability of new equipment imperfect

31 China 10/2003 J. Schukraft 31 Offline 3 rd Physics Data challenge (10% capacity): Jan – June 2004  Goals: Continuous testing of the ALICE computing model:  Reconstruction (AliROOT), production (AliEn) and analysis (AliROOT+AliEn+PROOF)  Produce and analyze the 10% equivalent of the yearly ALICE raw data output. Detailed study of hard physics for the PPR  Status:  Currently in the first 1/3 of the program (event production)  Successfully using combined AliEn and LCG resources (50/50) core software manpower: LHCC review 9/2003  a) increase long term staff from < 30% to ~ 50%: discussion with CERN, no progress yet  b) need 3-4 additional FTE: discussion with the major ALICE FA’s  Italy: willing to send 2 young people (from LCG manpower funds)  France: long term mission to CERN of one senior person agreed (incl. base salary) BUT: ‘non residence allowance’ needed from ALICE  Germany: under discussion (from LCG manpower funds) BUT: remaining funds for 2004/2005 only ½ FTE  UK: missed ‘eScience’ call (early-mid ’03) BUT: exploring other options  hopefully sufficient ‘volunteers’ for offline  additional funding (~ 100 kSF/y) needed; via Cat A M&O ??

32 28/4/2004 16th RRB J. Schukraft 32 Milestones October 2003: Significant number of delays and missed Milestones Action: In depth internal planning and status review of all major projects

33 28/4/2004 16th RRB J. Schukraft 33 Milestones January 2004: getting back on track ALICE LHCC Milestones - January 2004 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 Jul-98Aug-99Oct-00Nov-01Dec-02Jan-04Feb-05Mar-06Apr-07Jun-08 nb of milestones Baseline Passed

34 CR4 22.03.2004C.W.Fabjan 34 Installation dates ( unchanged since early 2003, except for Muons and PHOS) Sub detectorReady to installStart installationEnd installationFloat Muon TrackingQ4/05 (12/2004 – 12/2005)10/200504/2006> 3 months Muon TriggerQ4/05 (01/2005)07/0501/2006> 2 months HMPID12/200502/20064/20062 months Minimize storage time TRD Stage1 Stage 2 09/2005 (n modules, n>3) 04/2006 (18 – n modules) 09/2005 04/2006 02/2006 05/2006 3 months TOF Stage 1 Stage 2 09/2005 (n modules) 08/2006 (18 - n modules) 10/2005 11/2006 04/2006 02/2007 3 months PHOS Stage 1 Stage 2 06/2005 (cradle) 06/2006 (1 module) 06/2007 (1 module) 08/2005 11/2006 12/2007 08/2005 12/2006 03/2008 5 months 6 months TPC02/2006 (incl.9 months of test)05/200611/20063 months ITS04/2006 SPD 03/2006 SSD and SDD 06/200611/20062 months critical PMD06/200611/200612/20065 months

35 28/4/2004 16th RRB J. Schukraft 35 Summary Collaboration  major decisions outstanding (US, Japan, China) Funding  major uncertainty :  PHOS, TRD: awaiting decisions in China & Japan  not funded:  40% of TRD, 2 PHOS modules, EmCal (new, USA) Detector construction  major problems solved:  TPC: inner field cage delay mostly recuperated  muon tracking: start of mass production  muon magnet: all pieces at CERN, pre-assembly finally started  ITS micro-cables: production quickly ramping up  major problems remaining:  ITS: tight schedule, pre-production just started  forward detectors: slow progress in design choices  core software manpower: secure additional contributions & finances

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