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Group C 1.  Background  Possible questions for inclusion: PHC  Agricultural Census (Core)  Supplementary modules  Follow-up surveys  Conclusion.

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Presentation on theme: "Group C 1.  Background  Possible questions for inclusion: PHC  Agricultural Census (Core)  Supplementary modules  Follow-up surveys  Conclusion."— Presentation transcript:

1 Group C 1

2  Background  Possible questions for inclusion: PHC  Agricultural Census (Core)  Supplementary modules  Follow-up surveys  Conclusion 2

3  Short-back: budget constraints: US$2mil available  Data Needs Assessment Study – identify actors (producers) & sustainability of the agric. system  Stakeholders’ Workshop – diverse (Decision- makers, researchers, Farmers Associations) – aims reaching consensus for cost-efficiency purpose 3

4  Strategy was designed aimed at;  avoiding duplication of efforts & fill data gaps through provision of accurate, reliable and timely agricultural data and information for analysis, planning & decision making purpose. ◦ Identification of most appropriate methods and means of collecting data ◦ MDG – Poverty alleviation, food security and women participation ◦ Design  1 st stage: complete enumeration (data at district level) to attain a agricultural holding frame  2 nd stage: sampling 4

5  Questions such as; ◦ Is any of the hh member involved in any agricultural activities? Y/N  If Yes…What main activities are they involved in? Animal rearing, crop production, both (crop and livestock), horticultural produce, Agro-processing, others (specify)..  What are the major crops grown? ◦ What’s the total size of their crop area? ◦ How many animals do they have? Cattle, Sheep, goats, others (specify)… 5

6  identification/location of agricultural holding  sex of agricultural holder  age of agricultural holder  household size  main purpose of production  area of holding according to land use types  total area of holding  land tenure types  presence of temporary crops by type  presence of permanent crops by type and whether in compact plantation  number of animals by livestock type  presence of aquaculture  presence of forest trees and other wooded land  other economic production activities of the holding’s enterprise  Management of the holding ◦ Identification of sub-holders ◦ Sex of sub-holder ◦ Age of sub-holder ◦ Area of crops managed for each crop group ◦ Number of livestock managed for each livestock group  Agricultural practices ◦ Use of agricultural chemicals ◦ Use of good agricultural practices ◦ Selected machinery and equipment used on the holding according to source ◦ Non-residential buildings according to use  Farm Labour ◦ Number of employees on the holding by sex ◦ Form of payment for employees 6

7 Livestock Module Crop Module Data items: For the holding  401 Type of livestock production system  402 Use of veterinary services For each livestock type  411 Number of animals: age and sex  412 Number of animals according to purpose  413 Number of milking animals according to milk status  414 Number of animals born  415 Number of animals acquired  416 Number of animals slaughtered  417 Number of animals disposed of  418 Number of animals died from natural causes  419 Types of feed  301 Area of temporary crops harvested  302 (For selected crop types) Area of temporary crops harvested according to end-use  303 (For selected crop types) Production of temporary crops harvested  304 Value of crop production  311 Area of productive and non-productive permanent crops in compact plantations  312 (For tree crops) Number of permanent crop trees in compact plantations and scattered plantings  313 (For selected crop types) Area of productive permanent crops in compact plantations according to end-use  314 (For selected crop types) Production of permanent crops  321 Area of land used to grow temporary crops as a secondary land use  322 Use of each type of fertilizer  323 Area fertilized for each type of fertilizer and major crop type  324 Source of seed inputs for each major crop type 325 Type of seed for each major crop type  327 Area of cropped land under protective cover 7

8 Type Annual Crop production Survey Labour force survey Agricultural services survey Annual Livestock inventory survey Data item Production, yield, sales, forecasts Status: employment, activity, occupation, time spent Receipt of credit for agricultural purposes Source of credit, Type of collateral for credit, Period of loan or credit, Sources of agricultural information, Sources of agricultural extension services, Travelling time to nearest periodic or permanent agricultural produce market Numbers by livestock type, changes in the herds, sales Administrative level District/Province District Province District/Pro vince 8

9  Budget constraints (mere US$2 mil availed)  Priority: Crop and livestock supplementary modules – due to consideration of MDGs and data.  Possible inclusion of other modules if budget allows.  Thematic surveys: Annual crop survey, livestock inventory survey, Labourforce survey, Agricultural Services Survey 9

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