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Affton Leadership Academy October 17, 2011.  Finish this statement and then…  Create a simple graphic/symbol to represent it.  Be prepared to explain.

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Presentation on theme: "Affton Leadership Academy October 17, 2011.  Finish this statement and then…  Create a simple graphic/symbol to represent it.  Be prepared to explain."— Presentation transcript:

1 Affton Leadership Academy October 17, 2011

2  Finish this statement and then…  Create a simple graphic/symbol to represent it.  Be prepared to explain your answer. Working through Steps 1-6 of the CCI process is like… Example: …riding a rollercoaster.

3 Think-Pair-Square

4  The Affton Leadership Academy will learn and incorporate the CCI process into our classrooms to make the learning/teaching process more transparent to all stakeholders. We will improve instruction, thereby increasing student achievement, and serve as leaders within our buildings.  We will accomplish this by being intentional about improving instruction through:  collaboration,  engaging our students with high yield strategies,  modeling the process for other teachers in our buildings,  tweaking the process to fit Affton needs,  and collecting useful data to drive the process.  Norms: open-mindedness, _______________, ___________________, __________________, ___________________, __________________, ___________________, __________________.

5  What have you done with Steps 1-8 that has been really successful? Strategy Banks Strategy Banks PDSA Cycle Learning Requirements Learning Requirements Charting Data Charting Data All Steps


7 Big Picture, Class Data Student Data Folders


9 SSD Ex. ALA Secondary Examples

10 1 2 4 3&73&7 1 1 5 6 8 7

11 Numbered Heads Together

12 What was successful, what was challenging, and what questions do you still have about Step 5 (Plan)?

13 What was successful, what was challenging, and what questions do you still have about Step 6 (Do)?

14 What was successful, what was challenging, and what questions do you still have about Step 7 (Study)?

15 What was successful, what was challenging, and what questions do you still have about Step 8 (Act/Adjust)?

16 How can you use this strategy (Numbered Heads Together) in your own classroom?

17 ACT What will we do next? STUDY Did I reach my short term objective? Yes No   NOTE: Next goals are to use the entire CCI process overtly and frequently in the classroom (continued from last cycle). AND Gather data regarding student engagement in all ALA classrooms.

18 PLAN 1. What is the short-term ( for a fraction of a chapter/unit or a whole chapter/unit) learning goal? 2. What are the time parameters? 3. How will the goal (during this time period only) be assessed? DO 1.What strategies will the teacher use? 2.What strategies will the students use? * Peruse the High Yield Strategies booklet for ideas; also use http://NoxEdUk8n.1faculty.com (Teacher Toolbox) to find strategies.


20 Ticket to Leave 1.What questions do you still have regarding Steps 5-8? 2.What do you want to focus on for the November 3 meeting with Marilyn?

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