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Chemistry 6. Warm-up All elements would like to have a complete outermost energy level. Identify which Group on the periodic table are 1. Most stable.

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Presentation on theme: "Chemistry 6. Warm-up All elements would like to have a complete outermost energy level. Identify which Group on the periodic table are 1. Most stable."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chemistry 6

2 Warm-up All elements would like to have a complete outermost energy level. Identify which Group on the periodic table are 1. Most stable 2. Least stable Explain why

3 Stability - Reactivity Most stable = Nobel Gasses outer electron level is full – nonreactive or INERT Least stable = Alkali Metals and Halogens missing one electron from the outer electron level

4 Lewis Dot Structures  Show us if an atom is stable or has a full outer shell  called an Octet (8 possible electrons)

5 Octet Rule Elements will LOOSE GAIN or SHARE ELECTRONS in order to ‘fill’ the valence level To complete the octet

6 Identify needs Go back to your Bohr Model worksheet (pg 17) Make a note for each atom How many electrons gain/loose/share needed to complete the octet

7 Chemical bonds Form when two or more unstable atoms combine Types of bonds tell how atoms are joined (gain/loose/share of electrons) to complete octet

8 Covalent Bond  Sharing electrons joins atoms with COVALENT BONDS

9 Ionic Bond Loosing or gaining electrons joins atoms (called ions) with IONIC BONDS

10 Cation Anion

11 Ions An atom that has gained or lost electrons Gain an electron, negative charge called an ANION Lose an electron, positive charge called a CATION

12 Other Bonds  Metallic (not relevant to biology)  Hydrogen (will discuss later)

13 Bond Practice Worksheet NameSymbolWhat is it?Dot StructureBond Sodium Chloride NaClSalt, ocean, mines ionic

14 Wrap up  I can explain how ionic and covalent bonds form.

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