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St John the Beloved Elementary School Technology Overview January 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "St John the Beloved Elementary School Technology Overview January 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 St John the Beloved Elementary School Technology Overview January 2009

2 What is Level 5 Leadership ► Level 5 leadership is exemplified by a leader who: ► “Builds enduring greatness through a paradoxical blend of personal humility and professional will."

3 Technology Committee 2004 Mission Statement ► St. John the Beloved School offers computer education for every child through classes once a week ► Children also use technology in the classrooms and the library to enhance their learning. ► Besides using technology to help with teaching, our staff also uses technology to keep records current and communication flowing

4 Current State of Technology ► Our network “backbone” is 10+ years old ► Our network has been patched and “band- aided” by the Technology Committee to last much longer than it’s expected lifetime ► We have achieved an exceptional return on the original investment

5 Overview of Current Network ► Mainly Built of Category 3 wire ► Currently data capacity is significantly below current standards ► In 2009-2010 school year, our current network will not be able to support Reading Counts

6 Overview of Classroom Computers ► We have deployed XX student computers in the classrooms  2 in each Kindergarten Room  4 in all others  24 in the computer lab ► Most PC’s are less than 3 years old ► Front End Technology is significantly faster than the network

7 Let’s Revisit the Mission Statement ► Technology Committee 2004 Mission Statement  St. John the Beloved School offers computer education for every child through classes once a week.  Children also use technology in the classrooms and the library to enhance their learning.  Besides using technology to help with teaching, our staff also uses technology to keep records current and communication flowing

8 Let’s Revisit the Mission Statement ► Did we achieve this mission statement?  Let’s See ► Do we offers computer education for every child through classes once a week?  YES ► Do we use technology in the classrooms and the library to enhance their learning?  YES ► Do we use technology to help with teaching, our staff also uses technology to keep records current and communication flowing?  YES

9 Let’s Revisit the Mission Statement ► Then we must have a wildly successful technology based, fully integrated curriculum in all our classrooms!!!!  NO ► WHAT……..What happen? ► What happen was……  We put technology into the classroom ► What??????  Wasn’t That our goal? Where did we misstep?

10 Where did we misstep? ► We “pushed” technology into the classroom ► We did not integrate technology into the curriculum  We have become masters at ordering computers from Dell, and deploying to the classrooms  We have not become masters of integrating technology into the curriculum

11 Where did we misstep? ► We “dropped” computers into every classroom ► We did NOT provide the teachers with the tools to utilize this technology  No orientation  No training  No assistance integrating technology into their curriculum ► Teachers have stopped trying to integrate technology in their classrooms  They see technology as a modern treadmill in their classroom!

12 Where did we misstep? ► The missteps of the past have hurt the relationship between the teachers and the technology committee  Teachers do not think we listen to them  We do not appreciate the frustration the teachers have ► Can you blame them? ► Teachers are getting beaten over the head with “Use Technology, Use Technology, Use Technology”  When they do what happens: ► Our network is too slow ► No technical support when an issue arises ► These issues are disruptive to the curriculum

13 Where do we go from here? ► Develop Outcomes/Expectations for Technology Education at SJB  Expectation / Outcome from Project: ► All graduating SJTB 8 th grade student will be proficient in all Microsoft Office Suite Software and Internet access; additionally, every student will have an age appropriate understanding of Information Literacy. ► Develop an overall Vision of Technology  See “Saint John the Beloved Vision Document”  Need a F/T or P/T technology support position ► Develop solid 3 and 5 year implementation plans  Determine implementation by year and budget ► Develop a Funding Plan to achieve the goals  President Elect has indicated a significant investment in education technology

14 Where do we go from here? ► Develop a stable, fast and effective Information Technology Platform  Deploy a stable, and effective Category 5e based Network ► Work with the teacher to identify software they would like to utilize in the classroom ► Determine the hardware needs for category of classrooms  Primary, Middle & Upper ► Determine the hardware needed to support classroom software  Do not deploy more than is needed at each level.

15 Where do we go from here? ► Develop an overall Teacher Education and Training process  Orientation to hardware & software ► Provide Assistance with Integration into Curriculum ► Establish benchmarks for learning competencies ► Assist with technology deployment to students ► Study Results ► Adjust as needed

16 Where do we go from here? ► Start Blue Sky Thinking – What can this do now…….  This will be driven by the teachers and by the students  Our goal is to continue to supply the foundational technology the enable the teachers and the students to exceed even their expectations ► Review benchmarks and improvements ► Lay on the beach and relish our Success!

17 Updated Mission Statement Similar to Delaware Vision 2015 ??

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