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Plants Kevin 3 rd grade. Living things do They grow and die. They are made out of cells.

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Presentation on theme: "Plants Kevin 3 rd grade. Living things do They grow and die. They are made out of cells."— Presentation transcript:

1 Plants Kevin 3 rd grade

2 Living things do They grow and die. They are made out of cells.

3 Germinate means germinate means to start to grow.

4 A nutrient is Nutrient are substances living things need.

5 Fruit or vegetable A fruit is what a flower becomes after it is pollinated. A vegetable is other plant parts.

6 Plant parts Roots act like straws. Seed contains new plans. Leaves makes food.

7 why pollination is important It starts the seed production.

8 How seeds move By animals, wind, and other ways.

9 Plants helps Plants make food. Plants make oxygen. Plants make products.

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