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1 Stocks, Soups, and Sauces. 2 Stocks  Are often called the chef’s building blocks because they form the base for many soups and stocks.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Stocks, Soups, and Sauces. 2 Stocks  Are often called the chef’s building blocks because they form the base for many soups and stocks."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Stocks, Soups, and Sauces

2 2 Stocks  Are often called the chef’s building blocks because they form the base for many soups and stocks.

3 3 A Stock is…  A flavorful liquid made by gently simmering bones and/or vegetables in a liquid to extract their flavor, aroma, color, body and nutrients.

4 4 Types of Stock  White Stock  Brown Stock  Fumet  Court Bouillon  Glace  Remouillage  Bouillon

5 5 The Four Essential Parts of a Stock  Mirepoix  Aromatics  Liquid  Major Flavoring Ingredient

6 6 Bones For Stock Are Prepared By :  Blanching  Browning  Sweating

7 7 What Four Qualities Are Stocks Evaluated On?  1. Flavor  2. Color  3. Aroma  4. Clarity

8 8 Cooling and Storing Stock Put the stockpot in the ice-bath and stir often. Put the stockpot in the ice-bath and stir often. When cool, place in the refrigerator. When cool, place in the refrigerator. Break down the large amounts of stock into smaller amounts. Break down the large amounts of stock into smaller amounts. Place stock in small containers in the refrigerator. Place stock in small containers in the refrigerator. Stir occasionally Stir occasionally

9 9 Preparing Soups  Any good soup is made with the best ingredients available.  Clear Soups & Thick Soups are the two basic types of soup

10 10 Which Soups Are Clear And Which Soups Are Thick?  Consommé  Bisque  Broth  Cream  Purée  Clear Soup  Thick Soup  Clear Soup  Thick Soup

11 11 Helpful Hints For Cream And Purée Soups :  If a cream soup becomes too thick, add water or stock until the correct consistency is achieved. Never use heavy cream- it can hide the flavor of the main ingredient.  If the soup has a sour or “off” flavor, or has curdled, discard it. Cream soups have a brief storage time once the cream has been added.  To store cream soups longer, be sure that the base is properly chilled and stored. Finish only the amount needed for a single service period.  If the soup has a scorched taste, transfer it immediately to a cool, clean pot and check the flavor. If it doesn’t taste scorched in the clean pan, it is safe to continue cooking.

12 12 From Which Country Does Each Specialty Soup Originate?  Borscht  Gazpacho  Gumbo  Minestrone  Vichyssoise  Russia  Spain  Louisiana  Italy  France

13 13 Cooling And Finishing Techniques Remove surface fat from soup before service. Remove surface fat from soup before service. Blot with strips of un-waxed brown butcher paper to eliminate unwanted fat. Blot with strips of un-waxed brown butcher paper to eliminate unwanted fat. Soups should be garnished just before service. Soups should be garnished just before service.

14 14 Sauces  Add moisture and richness to food  Introduce complementary and contrasting flavors  Enhance the appearance of food  Add texture to the dish  Originally developed to help hide flavor of spoiling meat

15 15 The Five Grand Sauces  Béchamel  Veloute  Espagnole (Brown)  Tomato  Hollandaise

16 16 Miscellaneous Sauces CCoulis- thick pureed sauce JJus- lightly reduced stock CCompound Butters- mixture of raw butter and various flavors SSalsa- cold mixture of herbs, fruits, vegetables, and spices

17 17 How Do Miscellaneous Sauces Function?  They Function in much the same way that grand sauces do. They add flavor, moisture, texture, and color to the dish.  They also allow chefs to change the menu items by providing a lower-fat alternative to the usually heavy grand or derivative sauces.

18 18 Thickeners Are added to sauces to give them additional richness and body

19 19 Examples of Thickeners :  Beurre manié: equal parts flour and soft whole butter  Liaison: mixture of egg yolks and heavy cream  Slurry: cornstarch mixed with a cold liquid  Roux: equal parts cooked flour and fat  White roux  Blond roux  Brown roux

20 20 To Pair the Correct Sauce with a Meal TTTThe sauce should be suitable for the style of service. TTTThe sauce should be suitable for the main ingredient’s cooking technique. TTTThe sauce’s flavor must be appropriate for the flavor of the food it is accompanying.

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