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Nixon’s Domestic Policy What domestic polices happen under Richard Nixon?

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Presentation on theme: "Nixon’s Domestic Policy What domestic polices happen under Richard Nixon?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Nixon’s Domestic Policy What domestic polices happen under Richard Nixon?

2 Nixon’s New Federalism Wanted to decrease size of the Federal Govt (due to Great Society) Wants to distribute portion of Fed’s power to the States

3 Social Changes Nixon says welfare is inefficient, advocates Family Assistance Plan (FAP) Unemployed must get job training & accept any available work gives more money to Social Security, Medicare & Food Stamps

4 Law & Order Politics Nixon wants to restore order after turbulent 60s (promise to silent majority) FBI begins wire tapping protest organizers, liberal politicians Used IRS to harass anti-war leaders Uses VP Spiro Agnew to harass the media Creates an “enemies list”

5 Other Major Changes Significant domestic changes during Nixon’s presidency incl: 1. 26 th Amendment – lowers voting age to 18 2. Title IX law – creates gender equality in sports & PE 3. Creation of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

6 A Stagnant Economy Nixon takes US off “Gold Standard” can’t convert $ to gold Wants to raise taxes and cut spending to reduce debt but Congress refuses to go along with plan Nation faces Stagflation (high inflation & unemployment, slow growth) Reasons for stagflation 1. LBJ’s deficit spending (war & social programs) 2. Increased competition in global market 3. More workers from baby boom & immigration 4. Dependency on OPEC (foreign oil)

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