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Let's Teach! Session 1. What is the Purpose of Small Group Bible Studies?

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Presentation on theme: "Let's Teach! Session 1. What is the Purpose of Small Group Bible Studies?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Let's Teach! Session 1

2 What is the Purpose of Small Group Bible Studies?

3 3 Purpose of Small Group Bible Studies At your tables brainstorm ideas of what the goal or purpose of Bible Study/Sunday School should be

4 4 Purpose of Small Group Bible Studies List your answers here

5 5 Our Stated Purpose for Small Group Bible Studies To _____ and develop maturing followers of _______ through involvement in a small group _____ ________.

6 6 Our Stated Purpose for Small Group Bible Studies Know the Bible and how it __________ our daily lives Learn to know one another –Build ______________________ –__________________ growth –Encourage ministry to one another

7 7 Our Stated Purpose for Small Group Bible Studies Reach out to people who need God's love –Win the lost to Christ Motivate learners to grow –In a ____________________ with Jesus Christ –Have a daily ____________________

8 Parts of a Bible Study Lesson

9 9 The "Hook" –Gain learners' ____________ –Motivate them to begin _____________ of the issues in the week's passage The "Book" –What does the passage _____________ –What _____________ can be found

10 10 Parts of a Bible Study Lesson The "Look" –What does the passage __________? –What are the ___________ of the passage? The "Took" –What changes will I make in my life –What must I specifically ___________ the meaning of the passage

11 11 Parts of a Bible Study Lesson Handouts at your tables have some case studies of short lesson plans Discuss among yourselves, which of the four parts is missing in the lesson Write a question or discussion topic for the missing lesson element List some reasons as to why the missing part is important

12 12 Importance of "The Hook" Learners need assistance to begin ____________________ It is also part of a "_____________________" activity It motivates a desire to learn more

13 13 Importance of "The Book" One of our purposes was to know the Bible We want learners to be ___________ Christians Scripture is our primary source of ________________

14 14 Importance of "The Look" Knowledge of __________________ is not sufficient Truth from God's Word has _______________ to all our lives –All ages –All cultures –All levels of spiritual maturity

15 15 Importance of "The Took" James said, "Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like a man who looks at his face in a mirror" James 1:23 (NIV) Learners need specific ways in which their ______________________ as a result of Truth that has been communicated

16 Group Activities

17 17 Group Activities Consider the well know Bible story of "Daniel in the Lion's Den" in Daniel 6 Your table will be assigned to write a discussion question or activity for one of –The Hook –The Book –The Look –The Took Which would be used for teaching that lesson

18 18 Possible "Hook" Ideas

19 19 Possible "Book" Ideas

20 20 Possible "Look" ideas

21 21 Possible "Took" ideas

22 Apply what We Have Learned

23 23 In the Coming Weeks … Teaching assistants –Prepare and be responsible for one of the Hook sessions in your class –For another Sunday, brainstorm with your mentoring teacher good questions for "The Look" applications of your lesson

24 24 In the Coming Weeks … Mentoring Teachers –Meet with your assistant teacher at Wednesday evening Ministry Connection –Evaluate the parts of a recent week's lesson Did it fulfill the stated purposes? Rate the effectiveness of the different parts of the lesson?

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