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Chapter 4: Progressive Era Muckraking Project United States History Friday, November 7, 2014 Ms. Girbal.

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1 Chapter 4: Progressive Era Muckraking Project United States History Friday, November 7, 2014 Ms. Girbal

2 Muckraking Definition: The process of investigating and exposing political, economic, and social corruption. Definition: The process of investigating and exposing political, economic, and social corruption. Muckrakers were journalists, writers, and artists whose investigations led to local, state, and national reforms. Muckrakers were journalists, writers, and artists whose investigations led to local, state, and national reforms.

3 Forms of Muckraking Political cartoons and pictures Political cartoons and pictures Photographs Photographs Newspaper and Magazine articles Newspaper and Magazine articles Literature and Essays Literature and Essays

4 Muckraking Issues Labor Conditions (work hours, wages, safety, sweatshops, child labor) Labor Conditions (work hours, wages, safety, sweatshops, child labor) Food and Drug Quality Food and Drug Quality Public Sanitation Public Sanitation Living Conditions of the Poor (tenement houses) Living Conditions of the Poor (tenement houses) Political Corruption (political machines, voter fraud, corruption in Congress) Political Corruption (political machines, voter fraud, corruption in Congress) Big Business (trusts, monopolies, robber barons) Big Business (trusts, monopolies, robber barons)

5 Directions Due: Wednesday, November 12th Needs to be 4 pages (8 pages front and back) Needs to be at least the size of an 8 ½ by 11 paper (computer paper) In your magazine or newspaper you will need to cover the muckraking issues found above. Make sure that ALL six topics are covered in your publication. Everyone in the group must write AT LEAST ONE article, which needs to include photographs and create AT LEAST ONE political cartoon. Have fun with it- include advertisements! Please turn in a separate works cited page in proper MLA format of the sources you used.

6 Sample Newspapers of the Time lts/?state=&dateFilterType=yearRange&date1=1890& date2=1920&language=&ortext=&andtext=&phrasetex t=&proxtext=&proxdistance=5&rows=20&searchType =advanced

7 Sample Political Cartoons


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