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The Minister ’ s Black Veil Presented by 古景文. Q: Why does the minister wear the veil? Psychoanalytical Approach Psychoanalytical Approach According to.

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Presentation on theme: "The Minister ’ s Black Veil Presented by 古景文. Q: Why does the minister wear the veil? Psychoanalytical Approach Psychoanalytical Approach According to."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Minister ’ s Black Veil Presented by 古景文

2 Q: Why does the minister wear the veil? Psychoanalytical Approach Psychoanalytical Approach According to German psychoanalyst and pioneer, Carl Gustav Jung, unconscious was always "yearning" to become a part of the conscious mind. According to German psychoanalyst and pioneer, Carl Gustav Jung, unconscious was always "yearning" to become a part of the conscious mind. Assuming this is true, repressed memories, thoughts or tendencies are always trying to surface into the conscious mind. Assuming this is true, repressed memories, thoughts or tendencies are always trying to surface into the conscious mind.

3 The 1st interpretation: repression is the driving force repression is the driving force behind the minister ’ s actions. behind the minister ’ s actions. The minister is hiding something. The minister is hiding something. Hiding what? (secret sin?) Hiding what? (secret sin?) from himself or from the public? from himself or from the public?

4 1. "The subject [of his sermon] had reference to secret sin, and those sad mysteries which we hide from our nearest and dearest, and would fain conceal from our own consciousness ” (P49) 1. "The subject [of his sermon] had reference to secret sin, and those sad mysteries which we hide from our nearest and dearest, and would fain conceal from our own consciousness ” (P49) a repressed memory trying to surface a repressed memory trying to surface 2. The moment that he sees his own countenance, at the wedding, in the glass of wine shows how horrible the surfacing of this "thing" can be. 2. The moment that he sees his own countenance, at the wedding, in the glass of wine shows how horrible the surfacing of this "thing" can be. From above, the minister was hoping to hide his secret from himself, as well as from all. In other words, he desired to avoid from the truth by not only pushing the secret into his unconscious but his public self as well. From above, the minister was hoping to hide his secret from himself, as well as from all. In other words, he desired to avoid from the truth by not only pushing the secret into his unconscious but his public self as well.

5 The 2nd interpretation: A reminder to himself of his secret : A reminder to himself of his secret : "In truth, his own antipathy to the veil was known to be so great, that he never willingly passed before a mirror, nor stooped to drink at a still fountain, lest, in its peaceful bosom, he should be affrighted by himself." (P56) "In truth, his own antipathy to the veil was known to be so great, that he never willingly passed before a mirror, nor stooped to drink at a still fountain, lest, in its peaceful bosom, he should be affrighted by himself." (P56) The veil covering the minister ’ s face becomes a string tied to his heart. The veil covering the minister ’ s face becomes a string tied to his heart.

6 The 3rd interpretation: The Minister ’ s self-punishment: The Minister ’ s self-punishment: Well-known impact (his alienation from the public that once loved him so much, and, eventually, his beloved wife) Well-known impact (his alienation from the public that once loved him so much, and, eventually, his beloved wife) Easily avoided with the removal of the veil Easily avoided with the removal of the veil Hooper refused because of his desire for this type of self-punishment Hooper refused because of his desire for this type of self-punishment

7 The 4th interpretation: The minister ’ s desire to break the barrier that protects his conscious self from his unacceptable repressed unconscious self. The minister ’ s desire to break the barrier that protects his conscious self from his unacceptable repressed unconscious self. Humans are dualistic, with an innate, dark side and an internalized, moralistic side. Humans are dualistic, with an innate, dark side and an internalized, moralistic side. The "darkness" that Hawthorne describes is a natural part of the personality. However, because of social pressures, it rarely enters awareness other than in some misinterpreted form. The "darkness" that Hawthorne describes is a natural part of the personality. However, because of social pressures, it rarely enters awareness other than in some misinterpreted form. This barrier is incarnated in the veil. This barrier is incarnated in the veil.

8 Other interpretations: Father Hooper might have used the veil to test Elizabeth ’ s love for him. Father Hooper might have used the veil to test Elizabeth ’ s love for him. The Minister wore his black veil so that he may spend eternity with the Creator. The Minister wore his black veil so that he may spend eternity with the Creator. The veil can be interpreted into many ways. Father Hooper never answered the mystery of the veil, so there are many theories behind it. The veil can be interpreted into many ways. Father Hooper never answered the mystery of the veil, so there are many theories behind it. Imagination!! Imagination!!

9 Thank you for your attention!

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