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Unit 1 Will people have robots? Period 2. Let’s predict the future!( 预测将来 ) I think people will__________ in 100 years. I don’t think people will ______in.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 1 Will people have robots? Period 2. Let’s predict the future!( 预测将来 ) I think people will__________ in 100 years. I don’t think people will ______in."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 1 Will people have robots? Period 2

2 Let’s predict the future!( 预测将来 ) I think people will__________ in 100 years. I don’t think people will ______in 100 years. have robots in their homes use money work on computers study on computers live to be 200 years old have more free time have less pollution

3 1.I think people will__________ in 100 years. 2.I don’t think people will ______in 100 years. have robots in their homes work on computers live to be 200 years old have less pollution use money study on computers have more free time have more pollution

4 Let’s predict the future!( 预测将来 ) I think there will be__________ in 100 years. (more/ fewer) people, cars, trees, computers, buildings (more / less) free time, work, water, pollution (little 的比较级 ) 较少 (few 的比较级 ) 较少数

5 2a Listen and circle the words you hear. 1. There will be more / less / fewer people. 2. There will be more / less / fewer free time. 3. There will be more / less / fewer cars. 4. There will be more / less / fewer pollution. 5. There will be more / less / fewer trees. 污染 树 空闲时间

6 W: OK, now I want to hear everyone’s predictions about the future ( 有关将来的预言 ). G1:Well, I think there will be more people. W: More people? OK. What else? B1: I predict (预言) there will be less free time. W: I hope not (我希望不会这样). G2: Well, I think there will be fewer cars. W: You do? (你真这么认为吗) Tapescript

7 G2: Yes, people will use the subways more. (会更多地使用地铁) W: That’s a great idea. Let’s hear another prediction (另一个预言).= one more prediction B2:There will be less pollution. W: That will be good for the earth ( 对地球是好的) ! G1:I think there will be fewer trees. I think cities will be really big and crowded ( 真的非常大并非常拥挤 ) because there will be a lot more people (更多的人).

8 _____ 1. There will be fewer people. _____ 2. There will be less free time. _____ 3. People will use the subways less. _____ 4. There will be more pollution. _____ 5. Cities will be very big and crowded. 2b Liseten again. Check() the predictions you hear. 2b Liseten again. Check( √ ) the predictions you hear. I think... I don’t think...

9 2c GROUPWORK A: I think there will be more pollution. B: Well, I don’t agree. But I think there will be fewer trees. A: I agree. = disagree

10 2c GROUPWORK A: I think there will be ______ cars. B: Well, I agree. And I think there will be less _____________. A: I _______, too. cars/free time fewer free time agree

11 2c GROUPWORK A: I think there will be more pollution. B: Well, I don’t agree. But I think there will be fewer trees. A: I agree. B: I think there will be fewer cars. A: Well, I agree. And I think there will be less free time. B: I agree, too.

12 _____ 1. There will be fewer people. _____ 2. There will be less free time. _____ 3. There will be fewer cars. _____ 4. There will be more pollution. _____ 5. Cities will be very big and crowded. _____ 6. People will use the subways less. Let’s predict something in the future. I predict there will be_________. I predict there won’t be_______.

13 Pairwork Change the predictions into questions and answer it with the opposite word ( 用反义 词回答 ). For example: There will be less free time. Will there be less free time in the future? No, there won’t. There will be more free time.

14 1. There will be fewer people. 2. There will be less free time. 3. There will be more pollution. 4. There will be fewer cars. 5. People will use the subways less. Will there be fewer people in the future? No, there won’t. There will be more people in the future. Will there be less free time in the future? No, there won’t. There will be more free time in the future. Will there be more pollution in the future? No, there won’t. There will be less pollution in the future. Will there be fewer cars in the future? No, there won’t. There will be more cars in the future. Will people use the subways less in the future? No, they won’t. They will use the subways more in the future.

15 3a Look at the pictures of sally. Then fill in the blanks in the sentences.

16 1. Five years ago, Sally was ___ ____ _____. 2. She played ________. 3. She had _______. in high school soccer a pet cat (宠物猫)

17 4. Today Sally is _________. 5. She plays _______. 6. She has __________. in college (上大学) a guitar a pet dog

18 7. In five years, Sally will be ________ ______ 8. She will play ______. 9. She will have _______. or a wife tennis a baby a mother

19 3b PAIRWORK A: What do you think Sally will be in five years? B: I think she’ll be a doctor. A: What sport will she play? B: She’ll play…

20 3c Now write about yourself. Five years ago, I was. I played. I had. Today, I am. I play. I have. In five years, I will be. I will play. I will have.

21 A: What do you think you will be in five years? B: I think I’ll be a _______. A: What sport will you play? B: I’ll play______.

22 4GROUPWORK Draw a picture of the city of tomorrow. Then describe it to your class. A: I think there will be more tall buildings. And there will be fewer cars and more buses. 建筑物,房屋 I think there will be _____ in Beilun. houses, apartments, buildings, trees, cars, buses, pollution, theaters, radio stations

23 肯定句 否定句 一般疑问句 特殊疑问句 S. + shall / will +V 原形 S. + shall / will +not + V 原形 shall / will + s. + V 原形 ? 特殊疑问词 + 一般疑问句 3 、基本句型: 时态:一般将来时 The Simple Future Tense 简略回答 简略回答 Yes, … shall. / Yes, … will. No, … shan’t. / No, … won’t.

24 时态:一般将来时 The Simple Future Tense 4 、标志词: tomorrow 明天 the day after tomorrow 后天 next week 下周 next year 明天 next month 下个月 this year 今年 soon 不久 in a week 一年后 in the future 在将来 this weekend 这个周末

25 时态:一般将来时 1 、概念: ⑴表示将要发生的动作或存在的状态。 The Simple Future Tense We shall go to see him tomorrow. 我们明天去看他。 From now on I shall come every day. 从现在起我将每天来。 ⑵表示将来经常或反复发生的动作。 2 、结构: 助动词 shall / will + V 原形 Grammar Focus

26 shall 与 will 的区别: shall will shall 常用于第一人称。 will 常用于第二、三人称, 但在口语中各 种人称都可以用 will 。 否定式: will not = won’t 否定式: shall not = shan’t 缩略形式 'll 时态:一般将来时 The Simple Future Tense

27 时态:一般将来时 5 、练习翻译: My grandfather won’t go fishing tomorrow. Jim will be fifteen years old in five days. Will you come to Changsha next month? ⑵明天我爷爷不会去钓鱼。 ⑴五天后, Jim 就 15 岁了。 ⑶你下个月将会来长沙吗? ⑷我们什么时候再见面? When shall we meet again?

28 Fill in the blanks with the right form of the given verbs. 1. What _________ you ______(do) this Sunday? There _____________(be) a football match. ______you _________(go) with us? 2. I ____________(go) to see your father as soon as I get to Beijing. 3. I think it _____________ (be) rainy tomorrow. 4. My father ___________ (send) me a new bike when I am tall enough. will do will be Will go will go will be will send

29 5. We ___________ (visit) the Great Wall next Monday. 6. Who __________(give) us a talk on the computer in two days? 7. They _________ (build) a new modern house near the river next year. 8. I want to know if he ____________ (be) back tomorrow. will visit will give will build will be

30 Homework: Copy the words and the sentences. Make sentences with “will” and “There will be”.

31 The end of this period!

32 辨析: every 和 each Yes, there will. I think every home will have a robot. every each 每个每个每个每个 ①着重指由一个一个所形成的全体 ①着重指全体中一个一个的个体 ②用于三个或三个以上的人或物 ②用于两个或两个以上的人或物 Every answer is right. 每个答案都是对的。 There are trees on each side of the road. 路的两边都有路。

33 4 、不可数名词, 意为 “ 钱,金钱 ” 。 可用: much, some, any, a lot of 等修饰。 纸币 硬币 paper money coin small money = change 零钱 ready money = cash 现金 ① earn / make money 赚钱 ② bank money 把钱存入银行 ③ save money 攒钱

34 5 、 adj. 免费的,免税的,空闲的,自由的 I’m free.= I am not busy. = I don’t have time. → n. freedom 免费,自由

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