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HTM 520 Jennifer Cavallaro RN, BSN.  Database of Patient Information  Track specific Diseases  Determine clinical effectiveness  Monitors Safety/Harm.

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Presentation on theme: "HTM 520 Jennifer Cavallaro RN, BSN.  Database of Patient Information  Track specific Diseases  Determine clinical effectiveness  Monitors Safety/Harm."— Presentation transcript:

1 HTM 520 Jennifer Cavallaro RN, BSN

2  Database of Patient Information  Track specific Diseases  Determine clinical effectiveness  Monitors Safety/Harm  Measures Quality of Care What is a Registry and how does it fit with HIE?

3  Vaccine management & accountability  Monitor outbreaks & respond  Generate client reminders  Reduce vaccine preventable disease  Lower healthcare costs

4  Stage I – Capability to Submit to Registry  Stage II – Ongoing submission of Data HL7 SNOMED LOINC SOAP WHO CDC VXU

5  Need for Common Language  Lack of National Stands  Poor quality of data submitted  Preventing missed opportunities  Improving emergency response capabilities  Improving patient outcomes

6  Registries collect and manage patient information about specific diseases  Part of Meaningful Use stages I & II  Standard oriented  Technical & human challenges  Important role in the future of healthcare  Improve outcomes & lower costs

7  Centers for disease control and prevention. (2012).  Computerized disease registries. (2013). Retrieved from library/key- topics/computerized-disease-registries  Gliklich, R., & Dreyer, N. (Eds.). (2010). Data collection and quality assurance. Registries for evaluating patient outcomes: A user’s guide (2nd ed.). Rockville (MD): Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (US).  HL7 Version 2.5.1, Implementation guide for immunization messaging. (2012). Retrieved 9/7/2013, from guidance/downloads/hl7guide-1-4-2012-08.pdf  International standards for clinical trial registries. (2012). Retrieved Sept. 9, 2013, from  Larsson, S., Lawyer, P., Garellick, G., Lindahl, B., & Lundström, M. (2012). Use of 13 disease registries in 5 countries demonstrates the potential to use outcome data to improve healthcare's value. Health Affairs, 31(1), 220-7. Retrieved from  Medicare & Medicaid EHR incentive program, Meaningful use stage 1 requirements overview. (2010). Retrieved from Guidance/Legislation/EHRIncentivePrograms/downloads/MU_Stage1_ReqOverview.pdf  Request for Comment (RFC). (2013). Retrieved from  Summary: ASTHO immunization registries summit. (2010). Retrieved from  The medicare and medicaid electronic health record (EHR) incentive programs: Stage 2 toolkit. (2013). Retrieved from Guidance/Legislation/EHRIncentivePrograms/Downloads/Stage2_Toolkit_EHR_0313.pdf

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