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Technology Name(s) Period (Choose 6A, 7C, 8B, etc.) Date.

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Presentation on theme: "Technology Name(s) Period (Choose 6A, 7C, 8B, etc.) Date."— Presentation transcript:

1 Technology Name(s) Period (Choose 6A, 7C, 8B, etc.) Date

2 Concept Bubble Map Basic Structure Write Your Technology Here Write Your Technology Here Present Future Helpful Good Purpose Helpful Good Purpose Origin Past Who invented? What is it? Why? Harmful? Bad Harmful? Bad Where? When?

3 Technology Research Project - Task Two Concept Bubble Map Rubric (Criterion 1-2) Assessment Criterion 1 – 23 – 45 – 67 – 8Score Inquiring & Analyzing Criterion A ☐ There is 1 major Inquiry Question component present in map. ☐ 8 or more bubbles in map. ☐ Below Basic Analysis of technology present ☐ There are 2 major Inquiry Question components present in map. ☐ 12 or more bubbles in map. ☐ Basic Analysis of technology present ☐ There are 3 major Inquiry Question components present in map. ☐ 16 or more bubbles in map. ☐ Proficient analysis of technology present ☐ There are 3 major Inquiry Question components all present completely in map. ☐ 20 or more bubbles in map. ☐ Advanced analysis of technology present Developing Ideas Criterion B ☐ The concept bubble map does not adequately communicate the selected topic and some confusion is present. ☐ Below Basic, underdeveloped, and unclear confusing ideas present in collage. ☐ The concept bubble map adequately communicates the selected topic but clarity and detail are missing. ☐ Basic, some developed, and some unclear ideas present in collage. ☐ The concept bubble map communicates the selected topic well with proficient level of clarity and detail. ☐ Proficient, developed, and some clear ideas present in collage. ☐ The concept bubble map thoroughly and skillfully communicates the selected topic with exceptional clarity and attention to detail. ☐ Advanced well developed and clear ideas present in collage.

4 Technology Research Project - Task Two Concept Bubble Map Rubric (Criterion 3-4) Creating The Solution Criterion C ☐ Concept map has adequately selected bubbles that include a few of the what, where, when, why, who, examples, origins, developmental time and technology based relationships, helpful aspects, and harmful aspects of chosen technology. ☐ A Citation page with all resources is not present. (You cannot post your bubble map to the Edmodo website without a citations page.) ☐ Concept map bubble choice is proficient and that includes some of the what, where, when, why, who, examples, origins, developmental time and technology based relationships, helpful aspects, and harmful aspects of chosen technology. ☐ Concept map has skillfully selected bubbles that include many of the what, where, when, why, who, examples, origins, developmental time and technology based relationships, helpful aspects, and harmful aspects of chosen technology. ☐ A Citations resource page is present for all sources used in the making of the bubble map. (You can now post your bubble map and citation pages to the Edmodo group.) ☐ Concept map has skillfully selected bubbles that include many of the what, where, when, why, who, examples, origins, developmental time and technology based relationships, helpful aspects, and harmful aspects of chosen technology. ☐ A Citations resource page is present for all sources used in the making of the bubble map. ☐ The concept bubble map and citation pages were posted to the class Edmodo group. Evaluating Criterion D ☐ Bubble and word positions are poorly chosen, inappropriate in size and disorganized in arrangement. ☐ Carelessness in visible in regards to connecting and balance the bubbles across the map. ☐ Below Basic Evaluation of Sources present such that credible sources not utilized. ☐ Bubble and word positions are adequately chosen, some appropriate in size and some arranged well. ☐ Partial care has been taken to connect and balance the bubbles across the map. ☐ Basic Evaluation of Sources present such that some credible sources utilized. ☐ Bubble and word positions are carefully chosen, appropriate in size and arranged well. ☐ Care has been taken to connect and balance the bubbles across the map. ☐ Proficient Evaluation of Sources present such that credible sources utilized. ☐ Bubble and word positions are exceptionally well chosen, exact in size and arranged with precision. ☐ Exceptional care has been taken to connect and balance the bubbles across the map. ☐ Advanced Evaluation of Sources present such that credible and highest quality sources utilized. Assess- ment Criterion 1 – 23 – 45 – 67 – 8Score

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