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WWII 1939-1945 Leaders and Causes Notes. Causes  Militarism- build up of army  Alliances-Italy, Germany, Japan unite to control the world around their.

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Presentation on theme: "WWII 1939-1945 Leaders and Causes Notes. Causes  Militarism- build up of army  Alliances-Italy, Germany, Japan unite to control the world around their."— Presentation transcript:

1 WWII 1939-1945 Leaders and Causes Notes

2 Causes  Militarism- build up of army  Alliances-Italy, Germany, Japan unite to control the world around their Axis. (Axis Powers) Britain, France, Russia and the U.S. become the Allies. (Allied Powers)  Imperialism-expanding empires. Ex. Mussolini wants to recreate the Roman empire  Nationalism-belief that your Nation is supreme and should take control of surrounding territories.

3 Causes Continued…  Appeasement- Britain and France allow Hitler to Treaty of Versailles to hoping that he would not attack surrounding territories.  World Depression-economic crisis opened doors for dictators to take control in Europe. Ex. Hitler, Mussolini  Treaty of Versailles-unfair terms create resentment from Germany  League of Nations-Did not have the force to stop Japan and Hitler.


5 FDR  U.S. Form of government: representative republic  FDR comes to power in the election of 1932 b/c of Great Depression  Passes New Deal programs in cooperation with Congress

6 Winston Churchill  King or Queen of England is mostly a “figurehead  Churchill was Prime Minister of the United Kingdom 1940 - 1945  Prime Minister is head of the Parliament-the legislative body

7 Charles de Gual  Resistance leader of France who ran the French resistance movement in exile.  He resided in Britain during WWII

8 Joseph Stalin  1924 Joseph Stalin took over:  Turned the Soviet Union into a totalitarian communist state

9 Chang Kai Shek-Allies  Nationalist leader of China  China was going through a civil war prior to WWII

10 Adolph Hitler Established Third Reich (the Third Empire) and claimed dictatorial powers Nazi storm troopers, known as Brown shirts crushed all political opposition

11 Benito Mussolini  Italian king appointed Mussolini prime minister and granted him dictatorial powers Begins re-arming for war Invades Africa Supports Francisco Franco in Spain

12 Hideki ToJo-Militarist leader of Japan  Militarists took control of the Japanese government Hideki Tojo becomes prime minister in 1941 Extreme right- wing views and was a supporter of Nazi Germany. He feared Communism

13 Who am I game  I created fascism and was very angry at the outcome of the Treaty of Versailles because we did not get the land we were promised.  I promised to rebuild my country and make it superior again. I annexed territory based on my lebensraum theory.  I worked with the U.S. on behalf of the nationalists  I favor military expansion and needed the U.S. for trade to build a strong military  I strongly opposed appeasement and vowed to never surrender.  I opposed isolationism while my country favored it.  I ran my country living in Britain while I was in exile.

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