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Attacking Non-Bayesian Reasoning William Thompson UC Irvine February 15, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Attacking Non-Bayesian Reasoning William Thompson UC Irvine February 15, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Attacking Non-Bayesian Reasoning William Thompson UC Irvine February 15, 2014

2 Do Jurors Give More of Less Weight Than They Should to Forensic Science? Importance to the law of evidence Claims of Underweighting – Finkelstein & Fairley (1970), citing Edwards (1968); Slovic & Lichtenstein (1971) Claims of Overweighting – Tribe (1971) Jury Simulation Studies – E.g., Schklar & Diamond (1999); Nance & Morris, (2002; 2005)

3 Figure 1: Log Scale for Estimating Chances Defendant is Guilty ___Certain to be guilty ___About 9,999,999 chances in 10 million that he is guilty ___About 999,999 chances in 1 million that he is guilty ___About 99,999 chances in 100,000 that he is guilty ___About 9,999 chances in 10,000 that he is guilty ___About 999 chances in 1,000 that he is guilty ___About 99 chances in 100 that he is guilty ___About 9 chances in 10 that he is guilty ___One chance in 2 (fifty-fifty chance) that he is guilty ___About 1 chance in 10 that he is guilty ___About 1 chance in 100 that he is guilty ___About 1 chance in 1,000 that he is guilty ___About 1 chance in 10,000 that he is guilty ___About 1 chance in 100,000 that he is guilty ___About 1 chance in 1 million that he is guilty ___About 1 chance in 10 million that he is guilty ___Impossible that he is guilty

4 What are the chances that an innocent man in a case like this would, just by coincidence, happen to match the DNA left by another man at the crime scene? – 1 in 10 – 1 in 100 – 1 in 1000 – 1 in 10,000 – 1 in 100,000 – 1 in 1 million – 1 in 1 billion – Zero chances--impossible

5 Guilty (G)Not Guilty (NG) Framed (F)FUP Not Framed (NF) 1-FUP Match (M)No Match (NM) Match Reported (R) 1FRP Not Reported 01-FRP Framed (F)Not Framed (NF) GNGG Match (M)111RMP No Match (NM) 0001-RMP Figure 5: Bayesian Network Model for Evaluating the Probative Value of the Forensic Evidence Based on Individual Perceptions of the RMP, FRP and FUP




9 A DNA Match Between Perpetrator and Suspect: Is the suspect guilty?

10 The DNA Expert Says:

11 The prosecutor says:

12 But the defense lawyer says:

13 So what are the chances he’s guilty?


15 How many of the matching people are plausible suspects?

16 We don’t really know…



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