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Important Terms ConceptsPeople Open Ended 100 200 300 400 500.

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1 Important Terms ConceptsPeople Open Ended 100 200 300 400 500

2 Return to Grid Important Terms100 Built by the Union Pacific and Central Pacific Railroad, this connected the east and west. Answer: Transcontinental Railroad

3 Return to Grid Important Terms 200 What mountain range did the Transcontinental RR pass through? Answer: Sierra Nevada

4 Return to Grid Important Terms 300 Financial aid or land grant from the government Answer: subsidy

5 Return to Grid Important Terms 400 was a US Federal Act that gave 160 acres of undeveloped land in the West to those whom met the requirements. Answer: Homestead Act

6 Return to Grid Important Terms 500 Was the pinnacle of the Indians' power. They had achieved their greatest victory yet, but soon their tenuous union fell apart in the face of the white onslaught. Answer: Battle of Little Big Horn

7 Return to Grid Concepts 100 This animal was vital to the Native American way of life. Answer: The Buffalo

8 Return to Grid Concepts 200 Name 3 things the buffalo was used for by the Native Americans Answer: Food Shelter weapons and tools

9 Return to Grid Concepts 300 Describe the concept of “boom town to ghost town” Answer: answers may vary

10 Return to Grid Concepts 400 What are the 2 steps to impeachment??? Answer: (1)To bring formal criminal charges against the president of the United States (2) with a trial after to decide if to remove from office.

11 Return to Grid Concepts 500 Government officials met with Native Americans in Wyoming to ask each nation to keep to a limited area Answer: Fort Laramie Treaty

12 Return to Grid People 100 Who was the President during the Trail of Tears? Answer: Andrew Jackson

13 Return to Grid People 200 Who was the leader of the Union military during the Civil War, and eventually became president of the United States? Answer: Ulysses S. Grant

14 Return to Grid People 300 Charged his 700 men against 7,000 Native Americans at the Battle of Little Big Horn Answer: General George A. Custer

15 Return to Grid People 400 What President 1 st allowed the construction of the Transcontinental Railroad? Answer: Lincoln

16 Return to Grid People 500 Had a vision and mapped out the planned route for the Transcontinental Railroad. Answer: Theodore Judah

17 Return to Grid Open Ended 100 What caused the near extinction of the Buffalo? Answer: Americans hunting for sport and for the hides and fur

18 Return to Grid Open Ended 200 Who built the Transcontinental Railroad? Be Specific Answer: Mexican, Irish, Chinese Immigrants

19 Return to Grid Open Ended 300 Explain the significance the Mississippi River would have with the Railroad. Answer: Helped in transportation of goods and travel. Connected RR to major water ways.

20 Return to Grid Open Ended 400 What happened at Wounded Knee? Answer: N.A. were surrendering to U.S. troops when a shot is fired leading to the slaughter of the Sioux tribe.

21 Return to Grid Open Ended 500 Explain the relationship between the Native Americans and U.S. government Answer: Answers may vary

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