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Warm-Up What do you want to be when you grow up? Middle Class England 1831 Women No choice. Get married and do what your husband says. Men Lawyer, Military.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm-Up What do you want to be when you grow up? Middle Class England 1831 Women No choice. Get married and do what your husband says. Men Lawyer, Military."— Presentation transcript:


2 Warm-Up What do you want to be when you grow up? Middle Class England 1831 Women No choice. Get married and do what your husband says. Men Lawyer, Military officer, Clergyman or Doctor

3 Man Named Charles 22 years old Man without a calling Failed medical school Dissection made him queasy Asked to travel around the world


5 Charles Darwin 1809 - 1882 Most influential contributor to thoughts about evolution The Origin of Species  1859 Presented evidence for changes in species through Natural Selection

6 Robert Fitzroy Voyage of the HMS Beagle Invited to travel around the world  1831-1836 (22 years old!)  makes many observations of nature  main mission of the Beagle was to chart South American coastline

7 Darwin’s Voyage 5 year round-the-world voyage  Ship’s naturalist  At beginning of trip believed species were immutable As ship’s naturalist, he collected and examined the species that inhabited the regions the ship visited Many collections  Fossils, coral,plants, animals


9 Galapagos Islands Volcanic islands - 3.5 mya Isolated, west of Ecuador All inhabitants are descended from species that arrived on islands from elsewhere EQUATOR Galapagos Islands

10 800 km west of Ecuador

11 Many of Darwin’s observations made him wonder… Why? Darwin asked: Why were these creatures found only on the Galapagos Islands? Darwin found…many unique species

12 Galapagos Tortoises Long neck Flared shell Short neck Domed shell DRY ISLANDS WET ISLANDS

13 Darwin found: Different shells on tortoises on different islands Darwin asked: Is there a relationship between the environment & what an animal looks like?

14 Galapagos Iguanas Land Iguana Terrestrial vegetation Marine Iguana Algae eater

15 Darwin’s Finches 13 species of finches Share many morphological features Differ in several ways  Beak size  Beak shape  Food eaten Evolved from a single species He attempted to correlate variations in their traits with environmental challenges

16 Relationship between species (beaks) & food

17 Darwin’s finches Darwin’s conclusions  variations in beaks  differences in beaks in the original flock  adaptations to foods available on islands  natural selection for most fit  over many generations, the finches were selected for specific beaks & behaviors  offspring inherit successful traits  accumulation of winning traits: both beaks & behaviors  separate into different species

18 Warbler finch Woodpecker finch Small insectivorous tree finch Large insectivorous tree finch Vegetarian tree finch Cactus finch Sharp-beaked finch Small ground finch Medium ground finch Large ground finch Insect eaters Bud eater Seed eaters Cactus eater Warbler finch Tree finches Ground finches variation natural selection for best survival & reproduction From 1 species to 14 species…

19 present day Armadillos Darwin found: that creatures have changed over time Evidence that creatures have changed over time ancient Armadillo Darwin asked: Why should extinct armadillos & modern armadillos be found on same continent? Darwin found…clues in the fossils

20 LaMarck  evolution by acquired traits  creatures developed traits during their lifetime  give those traits to their offspring  example  in reaching higher leaves giraffes stretch their necks & give the acquired longer neck to offspring  not accepted as valid Earlier ideas on Evolution

21 Darwin’s view of Evolution Darwin  giraffes that already have long necks survive better  leave more offspring who inherit their long necks  variation  selection & survival  reproduction & inheritance of more fit traits

22 Darwin’s Theory A population can change over time when individuals differ in one or more heritable traits that are responsible for differences in the ability to survive and reproduce.

23 Alfred Russel Wallace 1823-1913 Naturalist who arrived at the same conclusions Darwin did Wrote to Darwin describing his views Prompted Darwin to finally present his ideas in a formal paper Both presented papers  Linnean Society of London  July 1, 1858

24 “On the Origin of Species” Basic draft finished in 1842 Kept in drawer for 16 years Other research  Coral reefs  Barnacles Joint presentation of ideas at Linnean Society Final draft published - 1859  Immediate sensation

25 On the Origin of Species Summary Organisms reproduce Variation (genetically determined) Some variants are better than others Population modified as a result

26 Darwin & Wallace Proposed Two Theories 1. The living organisms we see today are all related by descent (common ancestry) 2. The means by which evolution occurs is a process of 'natural selection.'  organisms differ from one another i.e., there is variation  these differences are heritable, i.e. passed from generation to generation many  more organisms are born than survive and reproduce (mortality)  therefore, any variation that makes one offspring more successful than another will have a greater chance of being passed to the next generation ("survival of the fittest")








34 Natural Selection A difference in the survival and reproductive success of different phenotypes Acts directly on phenotypes and indirectly on genotypes Change over Time  Over time, the alleles that produce the most successful phenotypes will increase in the population  Less successful alleles will become less common  Change leads to increased fitness  Increased adaptation to environment

35 Natural Selection- Put Another way Individuals vary in some heritable traits Some forms of heritable traits are more adaptive  A trait that gives the individual an advantage in survival or reproduction, under a given set of circumstances Natural selection is differences in survival and reproduction among individuals that vary in their traits Adaptive forms of traits become more common than other forms

36 THE EVOLUTIONARY VIEW Life’s diversity is the sum total of variations in traits that have accumulated in different lines of descent generation after generation, as by natural selection

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