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Science is A carefully organized collection of knowledge about ANYTHING in the Universe.

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Presentation on theme: "Science is A carefully organized collection of knowledge about ANYTHING in the Universe."— Presentation transcript:

1 Science is A carefully organized collection of knowledge about ANYTHING in the Universe

2 -ology means “the study of” Biology = the study of life

3 The Scientific Method The steps used to solve a problem or answer a question

4 Step 1 Start with a problem or question?

5 Step 2 Find out as much as you can about it

6 Step 3

7 Step 4

8 Step 5

9 Step 6

10 Observations That are made with the 5 senses and do NOT use numbers are called

11 If numbers are used, then it is called

12 When designing an experiment, only the ONE variable being tested can be changed- this is the Also called the Independent variable

13 What changes during the experiment and is measured is called the Or dependent variable

14 All other variables must be kept the same and are called Or Constants

15 What are the 3 variables for this experiment? Which brand of bubble gum’s flavor lasts longest?

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