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Use fuzzy logic to implement a selective median filter to clean noisy images HUI LI BSU11/14/2000.

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Presentation on theme: "Use fuzzy logic to implement a selective median filter to clean noisy images HUI LI BSU11/14/2000."— Presentation transcript:

1 Use fuzzy logic to implement a selective median filter to clean noisy images HUI LI BSU11/14/2000

2 Importance The process of image acquisition frequently leads(inadvertently)to image degradation. The process of image acquisition frequently leads(inadvertently)to image degradation. Develop a method to solve this program. Develop a method to solve this program. Literature review Literature review

3 Research step Learn Win32 API programming Learn Win32 API programming Learn fuzzy logic basics Learn fuzzy logic basics Learn how to load bitmap using VC++ Learn how to load bitmap using VC++ Produce test noise on image Produce test noise on image Algorithm to filter image Algorithm to filter image

4 What is fuzzy logic Ordinary(Crisp) Sets and Fuzzy Sets Ordinary(Crisp) Sets and Fuzzy Sets Use fuzzy logic to deal with uncertainty Use fuzzy logic to deal with uncertainty Construct membership function and rules Construct membership function and rules

5 Bitmap format Bitmap-file header contains type,size,layout of a device-independent bitmap file Bitmap-file header contains type,size,layout of a device-independent bitmap file Bitmap-information header contains the dimensions, compression type, color format Bitmap-information header contains the dimensions, compression type, color format Color table (RGB) Color table (RGB)

6 What is median filter Bitmap files formats used by the Microsoft Windows Bitmap files formats used by the Microsoft Windows Defines a neighborhood of the pixel Defines a neighborhood of the pixel

7 Bitmap noise

8 Continue

9 About load images Get pixel value and set to the context Get pixel value and set to the context

10 Produce test noise Produce random value(0-255) to replace the original pixel value(random point) Produce random value(0-255) to replace the original pixel value(random point)

11 How to use fuzzy logic to my research paper Construct membership functions and rules Construct membership functions and rules Fact 1,difference between highest 5 pixel values and 5 lowest pixel values Fact 1,difference between highest 5 pixel values and 5 lowest pixel values Fact 2,difference between considered point pixel value to average value(5*5 point pixel values) Fact 2,difference between considered point pixel value to average value(5*5 point pixel values)

12 Data analysis Determine which point should be filtered Determine which point should be filtered fact 1 fact 1 1 0 low med large 255 0 low med large 255

13 continue fact 2 fact 2 1 0 low med large 255 0 low med large 255

14 Continue small median large small median large Small not replace replace Median replace not replace Large replace replace not

15 Schedule Learning Windows programming need more time Learning Windows programming need more time The total time need 7-8 months The total time need 7-8 months

16 Facilities and Special Resource Hardware,Operating System,VC++ environment Hardware,Operating System,VC++ environment

17 Deliverables This research can be finished using above computer program This research can be finished using above computer program

18 Reference Inside Visual C++ (David J.Kruglinski) Inside Visual C++ (David J.Kruglinski) Windows 95 with MFC (Jeff Prosise) Windows 95 with MFC (Jeff Prosise)


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