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 You will be working in groups of 2-3  Ms. Askins will assign you partners!

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Presentation on theme: " You will be working in groups of 2-3  Ms. Askins will assign you partners!"— Presentation transcript:


2  You will be working in groups of 2-3  Ms. Askins will assign you partners!

3  You will create a brochure, a song, a commercial or a picture dictionary over the information we discussed this unit.  These must include: › The term › A definition › A description › An illustration  The terms are: the 7 major plates. convergent, divergent, transform, subduction, mountain building, ocean baisins, earthquakes, and volcanic activity.

4  We will start the projects on Friday, April 12 th in class  The final project must be ready for presenting to the class on Wednesday, April 17 th !

5  Most of the project will be assembled in Ms. Askins classroom, however we will be in the library on Tuesday, April 16 th for any final touches!

6  6.10 C Identify the major tectonic plates  6.10 D Describe how plate tectonics causes major geological events such as ocean basins, earthquakes, volcanic activity, and mountain building

7 Student Achievement LevelPointsDescription of Student Work CONSISTENTLY EXCEEDS 4.0  Exemplary work with NO errors  Evidence of making connections  Applying learning to a new situation  Evidence of higher order thinking skills  Work / Explanations demonstrate COMPLETE comprehension MEETS and SOMETIMES EXCEEDS 3.5  FEW or NO errors  Evidence of some strategic and/or extended thinking  Applying learning  Work / Explanations demonstrate comprehension MEETS STANDARD: ________________________ 3.0  FEW or NO errors  Evidence of recall  Evidence of understanding  Work / Explanation demonstrate comprehension APPROACHING 2.0  FEW errors  Evidence of some recall  Evidence of some understanding  Work / Explanation demonstrate some comprehension BEGINNING 1.0  MULTIPLE errors  Limited evidence of recall  Little evidence of understanding  Work / Explanation demonstrate little comprehension NO EFFORT 0.0  Very little or no evidence of effort.

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