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Starter: Review Questions Andrew Jackson was given many nicknames during his long military and political career. Name at least two of his nicknames. Write.

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Presentation on theme: "Starter: Review Questions Andrew Jackson was given many nicknames during his long military and political career. Name at least two of his nicknames. Write."— Presentation transcript:

1 Starter: Review Questions Andrew Jackson was given many nicknames during his long military and political career. Name at least two of his nicknames. Write a sentence explaining why he was given that name. One of his nicknames was “the Hero of New Orleans.” Write one or two sentences explaining why he was given that name.

2 Slavery and Abolition Section 8*2 pp. 248-253

3 I. Abolitionists Speak Out Abolition Movement to outlaw slavery Could be violent or peaceful William Lloyd Garrison Radical abolitionist Edited The Liberator Wanted immediate emancipation

4 I. Abolitionists Speak Out Frederick Douglass Born into slavery Lectured about perils of slavery

5 II. Life Under Slavery Slave population doubles 1810-1830 1.2 million to 2 million Other Changes Born into slavery Spoke English

6 II. Life Under Slavery Urban Slaves Work in mills, mines, lumber yards Skilled workers (ex: Blacksmiths) Higher degree of freedom Rural Slaves Work from dusk until dawn House slaves or field slaves

7 II. Life Under Slavery Turner’s Rebellion Killed 55 whites Turner captured and killed Increased restrictions & violence Talk of emancipation

8 III. Slave Owners Defend Slavery “Slave Codes” Restrict rights of freed African-Americans Examples: Took away legal rights Restricted movement and travel Couldn’t physically attack whites Couldn’t be educated Couldn’t assemble in large groups

9 III. Slave Owners Defend Slavery Owners believe slavery benefits slave “Happy Slave” Exposed to Christianity Abolitionist debates in Congress stopped by gag rule

10 Review Questions What did abolitionists want? What was life like under slavery? How did Southerners react to the Turner Rebellion?

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