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DNA Extraction Lab Pre – Lab Questions. Besides peas, what other items could possibly be used as a DNA source? What is the purpose of the blender in this.

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Presentation on theme: "DNA Extraction Lab Pre – Lab Questions. Besides peas, what other items could possibly be used as a DNA source? What is the purpose of the blender in this."— Presentation transcript:

1 DNA Extraction Lab Pre – Lab Questions

2 Besides peas, what other items could possibly be used as a DNA source? What is the purpose of the blender in this experiment? In other words, why do we need to blend the peas in this experiment? What was the purpose of using a meat tenderizer substance? Why did we need to use alcohol? Why did the alcohol need to be cold? What was the purpose of using salt and detergent throughout the procedure?

3 ANSWERS Spinach, Chicken Liver, Strawberries, and/or Broccoli The blender allows the pea cells to be separated from one another. In this experiment, meat tenderizer acts as an enzyme to cut proteins just like a pair of scissors. The DNA in the nucleus of the cell is molded, folded, and protected by proteins. The meat tenderizer cuts the proteins away from the DNA.

4 ANSWERS Using alcohol allows for the yield of DNA to be increased. With regards to the temperature of the alcohol, using it at a cold temperature allows for the DNA precipitate (i.e. solid) to appear more quickly. Salty water helps the DNA solidify and appear once alcohol is added. A cell's membranes have two layers of lipid (fat) molecules with proteins going through them. When detergent comes close to the cell, it captures the lipids and proteins that are blocking access to the cell’s DNA.


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