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Note and Rest Values Applied Music Whole Note Gets four counts/beats of sound A whole note is played or sung and held for the duration of the counts.

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Presentation on theme: "Note and Rest Values Applied Music Whole Note Gets four counts/beats of sound A whole note is played or sung and held for the duration of the counts."— Presentation transcript:


2 Note and Rest Values Applied Music

3 Whole Note Gets four counts/beats of sound A whole note is played or sung and held for the duration of the counts.

4 Whole Rest Gets four counts/beats of silence Looks like an upside down hat

5 Half Note Gets two counts/beats of sound A half note is half the value of a whole note.

6 Half Rest A half rest gets two counts/beats of silence Looks like a top hat

7 Quarter Note Gets one count/beat of sound in 4/4 time The note head can go up or down but MUST be colored in. A quarter note is half the value of a half note, and ¼ the value of a whole note.

8 Quarter Rest Gets one beat/count of silence A quarter rest is the same length as a quarter note.

9 Eighth Note Gets ½ count/beat of sound An 8 th note is half the value of a quarter note. 1 / 2 = ½

10 Eighth Rest An 8 th rest gets ½ count/beat of silence. Both the 8 th note and 8 th rest have one flag.

11 Note Grouping

12 Rests on the Staff

13 Let's clap some rhythms!

14 Let's Practice Counting...

15 It's getting tricky...! Notice the time signature Notice the grouping of the notes

16 Notes and Rests together!

17 Counting and Clapping 1-2 3 4 1-2 3 4 1-2 3 4 1 2 3-4 1 2 3-4 1-2 3-4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

18 Great Job! You did it!!

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