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Financing and Promoting Contemporary Sport Sportaccord 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Financing and Promoting Contemporary Sport Sportaccord 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Financing and Promoting Contemporary Sport Sportaccord 2006

2 Finance and Promotion  Financing Events and Federations  Finding the Right Balance between Sport and Show Business  Sponsors  TV  Spectators and Promotion

3 Financing Events and Federations  Sponsorship / Governments  TV Rights  New Media  Advertising  Merchandising  Other ideas Membership fees, Calendar fees, Licenses Membership fees, Calendar fees, Licenses

4 Sport and Show Business  How Sacred is your Sport?  Balance  Instant Gratification

5 Sponsors  Demands  Measurable Returns  Short Term Returns  Government Authorities  Hospitality

6 Television and you

7 Determine the right mix Understand everyone’s needs Be in control Before you start Television and you

8 Income Expenditure Both Be honest with yourself Television and you

9 How do you get best return Money versus exposure How is your sport promoted If income Television and you

10 Make sure it works for you Work out airtime strategies Keep costs down If expenditure Television and you

11 Be realistic Use one to pay for the other Create value for all If both Television and you

12 What can TV do for you What can you do for TV How can you work together Be honest with yourself Television and you

13 Spectators and Promotion  Do you really take care of your spectators?  Building Relationships with Fans

14 You and your fans

15 Do you really care Are you prepared to go for it Do you have your athletes buy-in Be honest with yourself You and your fans

16 Understand their dreams Determine their needs Involve them Before you start You and your fans

17 It could have been them Worship the best Entertainment or victory Understand their dreams You and your fans

18 Comfort and a good view Good food and drink Entertainment and involvement Determine their needs You and your fans

19 Meet the stars Interactivity Music, fun and games Involve them You and your fans

20 If you care about them… …they will care about you Give them the credit they deserve Be honest with yourself You and your fans

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