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Customer focused. Results-driven. Moving your business to a new level. 1 February 2011 DBSi 5.0 Credit Integration.

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Presentation on theme: "Customer focused. Results-driven. Moving your business to a new level. 1 February 2011 DBSi 5.0 Credit Integration."— Presentation transcript:

1 Customer focused. Results-driven. Moving your business to a new level. 1 February 2011 DBSi 5.0 Credit Integration

2 Dealer Distribution Systems Caterpillar Confidential Yellow DBS i 5.0 Credit Management Credit Check Process Alternate Credit Check Credit Configuration Display Customer Information-DBS Display Blocked Orders Credit Approval Levels Display Customer Information-CODA V11 Credit Diary Payment Terms Interest Calculation Customer Statement

3 Dealer Distribution Systems Caterpillar Confidential Yellow DBSi 5.0 Credit Check Process Manages credit limits and credit category parameters within Credit Areas Utilizes both credit limit and credit category parameters to evaluate credit risk: –Credit Exposure –Maximum Document Value –Percentage Past Due –Oldest Aging Bucket Offers Parent/Child functionality Will block Rental Orders from EMS due to Credit Will offer Credit Approval Levels

4 Dealer Distribution Systems Caterpillar Confidential Yellow DBS i 5.0 Credit Exposure Calculation Credit Exposure Calculation within Credit Areas: –Available credit = (credit limit - open receivables (CODA V11.3) - open orders (DBS) and invoices not posted to CODA (DBS) –Will be calculated for a parent/child relationship by combining the exposure for the parent as well as all children in that relationship –For multi-currency dealers documents will be converted to the customer’s currency on a document by document basis using the exchange rate assigned to that document

5 Dealer Distribution Systems Caterpillar Confidential Yellow DBSi 5.0 Credit Check Process- Alternate Process If there are connectivity problems between CODA and DBS: –A credit check will be performed for exposure (including DBS Open Orders only) against credit limit and an error message will be displayed stating there were connectivity problems. All zeroes will be populated in fields containing CODA information such as aging, high balance, Open AR. –This will allow the orders to be processed, and will alert the user there was a problem.

6 Dealer Distribution Systems Caterpillar Confidential Yellow DBS i 5.0 Credit Areas A Credit Area is an organizational entity that defines and monitors credit limit data for customers. Below are a few examples of Credit Area setup options. Rental CA 0003 Service CA 0002 Sales CA 0004 Parts CA 0001 Parts, Service,Rent, Sales CA 0001 or Parts, Service, Rent CA 0001 Sales CA 0002 Example 1 Example 2 Example 3 or

7 Dealer Distribution Systems Caterpillar Confidential Yellow DBS i 5.0 Configuration to Define Exposure Assign Lines of Business to Credit Areas MNTFNCRDP Credit Check Parms Set Up AR Account Balances for Exposure. Assign ledger to Credit Area MNTFNACBL Customer Account Balance Maintain Aging Bucket, GL Account and Document Code Selection in Credit Area Ledgers Financial Ledger Master Maintenance PART- 0001 SRVC- 0002 RENT- 0003 SALE- 0004 ALL- TOTL 0001-ZZCRCK0001 0002-ZZCRCK0002 0003-ZZCRCK0003 0004-ZZCRCK0004 TOTL-ZZCRCKTOTL ZZCRCK0001-120100-PS00,PS10,etc ZZCRCK0002-120100-SV00,SV10,etc ZZCRCK0003-120100-RR00,RR10,etc ZZCRCK0004-120100-SS00,SS10,etc ZZCRCKTOTL-120100-”*”(All)

8 Dealer Distribution Systems Caterpillar Confidential Yellow DBS 2.3.4 Credit Parameters CODA Option 07

9 Dealer Distribution Systems Caterpillar Confidential Yellow DBSi 5.0 Credit Parameters MNTNFCRDP

10 Dealer Distribution Systems Caterpillar Confidential Yellow DBSi 5.0 Credit Parameters MNTNFCRDP

11 Dealer Distribution Systems Caterpillar Confidential Yellow DBS 2.3.4 Credit - AR Balances CODA Option 08

12 Dealer Distribution Systems Caterpillar Confidential Yellow DBSi 5.0 Customer Account Balances MNTFNACBL

13 Dealer Distribution Systems Caterpillar Confidential Yellow DBSi 5.0 Customer Account Balances MNTFNACBL

14 Dealer Distribution Systems Caterpillar Confidential Yellow Maintain Credit Area Selector Menu Path: Financials/Masters/Selector Add appropriate Document Codes

15 Dealer Distribution Systems Caterpillar Confidential Yellow Maintain Credit Area Ledger Menu Path:eFinance/Enquiries/Masters/Ledger Please Note: Column Names and Order cannot change. You can change the aging buckets within the columns

16 Dealer Distribution Systems Caterpillar Confidential Yellow DBS i 5.0 Customer Credit Configuration Create Credit Categories MNTFNCRCT -Credit Categories Assign a credit limit and a credit category to a customer for each credit area being used. MNTCICUS -Customer Information NEW- New Customer LOW- Low Risk MED- Med Risk H01- High Risk NCC- No Credit Check 0001- LOW, $10,000 0002- LOW, $60,000 0003- LOW, $100,000 0004- NCC, $600,000

17 Dealer Distribution Systems Caterpillar Confidential Yellow DBS 2.3.4 Credit Credit Categories Was not Available

18 Dealer Distribution Systems Caterpillar Confidential Yellow DBSi 5.0 Credit Categories MNTFNACBL

19 Dealer Distribution Systems Caterpillar Confidential Yellow DBSi 5.0 Credit Categories MNTFNCRCT

20 Dealer Distribution Systems Caterpillar Confidential Yellow DBS 2.3.4 Customer Credit Master Data MNTCICUS

21 Dealer Distribution Systems Caterpillar Confidential Yellow DBSI 5.0 Customer Credit Master Data MNTCICUS

22 Dealer Distribution Systems Caterpillar Confidential Yellow DBSI 5.0 Customer Credit Master Data The only credit limit which will be passed to CODA V11 is the Total Credit Limit MNTCICUS

23 Dealer Distribution Systems Caterpillar Confidential Yellow DBS i 5.0 Parent/Child A new Finance Parent field will be available on the customer maintenance screen in core DBSi. A new CHLD (Child Customer Number) Info Code will be available. If the Finance Parent field is populated on a customer record, when an order is placed for the child customer, the child customer will receive the invoice however, when that invoice is posted in CODA V11.3 the parent customer will be moved in as the receivables customer account. Dealers will have the option of passing the child customer via an info code in either an element or an external reference. If the child is being passed as an element it will need to be configured in MNTFNCOCD -Company Maintenance New Limit of Children allowed is 2,000

24 Dealer Distribution Systems Caterpillar Confidential Yellow Company Integration (MNTFNCOCD)

25 Dealer Distribution Systems Caterpillar Confidential Yellow DBS i 5.0 Credit Management Process Flow

26 Dealer Distribution Systems Caterpillar Confidential Yellow DBS i 5.0 Credit Approval Configuration Assign Excess Exposure Amount and Aging Bucket Limits to Credit Levels -MNTFNCRLP Credit Level Parameters Assign Credit Levels and Stores to Credit Approvers and Credit Managers -MNTFNCRAL Approver Level Parameters 10 -$10,000,TWO 20 -$50,000, TWO 30 -$100,000, THREE 99 -$999,999,999 OVER XUPD43ABC - 99, Store**, Crdt Mgr-Y XUPD43DEF- 10, Store00,Crdt Mgr-N BRANCH 1- 99, Store 01,Crdt Mgr-Y Setup Credit Managers in CODA Administration-Security- User Master XUPD43ABC -Capability Group: Credit BRANCH 1 - Capability Group:Display

27 Dealer Distribution Systems Caterpillar Confidential Yellow DBS i 5.0 Credit Approval Parameters Dollar limits denote the maximum amount of exposure that may exceed credit for the approval level. All 9’s in this field denotes unlimited credit approval. Approval parameters include checking Aging Bucket Limit. An OVER in this field designates no aging bucket limit. An approver may be assigned to approve documents from multiple stores or “**” may be used to signify approval authority for all stores. All approvers that will be assigned to customers as credit managers, will need to have a “Y” in the credit manager field and will need to be set up as a user in CODA These parameters are set in core DBSi -MNTFNCRLP Credit Level Parameters and MNTFNCRAL Approver Level Parameters

28 Dealer Distribution Systems Caterpillar Confidential Yellow DBS i 5.0 Credit Level Parameters MNTFNCRLP

29 Dealer Distribution Systems Caterpillar Confidential Yellow DBS i 5.0 Credit Approver Parameters MNTFNCRAL

30 Dealer Distribution Systems Caterpillar Confidential Yellow User Setup-CODA Menu Path: Administration/Security/User Master

31 Dealer Distribution Systems Caterpillar Confidential Yellow DBS i 5.0 Credit Approval DBS orders blocked due to credit failure are approved using the CRDTSTS function in DBS This screen may also be accessed by selecting a specific document in the Blocked Orders (DSPFNBLOR) screen in DBS. Valid statuses for the approval field include –O = Approved for Open –C = Approved for Close (An approval level of “C” approves a work order on Open and Close) –P = Pending (A document with this status is not approved) –R = Rejected (A document with this status will be removed from the Credit Approval Screen) Approval levels along with the approval parameters are set in DBS. These levels are then assigned to credit approvers and will determine who may or may not approve an order.

32 Dealer Distribution Systems Caterpillar Confidential Yellow DBS 2.3.4 Credit Approval CODA Option 70

33 Dealer Distribution Systems Caterpillar Confidential Yellow DBS i 5.0 Credit Information DSPCRDT

34 Dealer Distribution Systems Caterpillar Confidential Yellow DBS i 5.0 Credit Information DSPCRDT – F11

35 Dealer Distribution Systems Caterpillar Confidential Yellow DBS i 5.0 Credit Information DSPCRDT – F14/F11

36 Dealer Distribution Systems Caterpillar Confidential Yellow Rental Credit Information- (DSPFNCRDT) This functionality will be obsolete in DBSi 5.0.

37 Dealer Distribution Systems Caterpillar Confidential Yellow DBS i 5.0 Credit Display All DBSi orders blocked due to credit may be viewed by executing DSPFNBLOR- Display Blocked Orders Total exposure for a customer may be viewed by executing either DSPCRDT-Display Credit Approval or CRDTSTS-Display Credit Status Credit Diary, Line Item Reports, Aging Reports, Balance Reports are all available in CODA. DBSi 5.0 Credit Information

38 Dealer Distribution Systems Caterpillar Confidential Yellow Blocked Orders Screen

39 Dealer Distribution Systems Caterpillar Confidential Yellow Coda V11- Browse Ledger- Aging Report

40 Dealer Distribution Systems Caterpillar Confidential Yellow Coda V11- Browse Ledger- Drill Down Tabs Display Please Note: Tabs displayed are customizable

41 Dealer Distribution Systems Caterpillar Confidential Yellow Coda V11.3- Browse Ledger- Drill Down to Balance and Detail

42 Dealer Distribution Systems Caterpillar Confidential Yellow Coda V11- Browse Ledger- Drill Down to Document Postings

43 Dealer Distribution Systems Caterpillar Confidential Yellow CODA V11- Credit Diary Input Screen

44 Dealer Distribution Systems Caterpillar Confidential Yellow CODA V11- Credit Diary Comments

45 Dealer Distribution Systems Caterpillar Confidential Yellow CODA V11 - Credit Diary Display Screen

46 Dealer Distribution Systems Caterpillar Confidential Yellow DBSi 5.0- Payment Terms Set Up Payment Terms Code will be four characters to match CODA payment terms. Payment Terms will be set up in Core DBSi -MNTSCTAB Payment terms by line of business will be offered in DBSi 5.0. and are set up in MNTFNCRDP Customers who are exceptions to the default payment terms may be set up with their own payment terms by line of business. This is done in Core DBSi in MNTCICUS. Default Payment Terms will be set up by Document Master/Elements in CODA for those transactions that originate in CODA and not Core DBSi.

47 Dealer Distribution Systems Caterpillar Confidential Yellow Set Up Payment Terms (MNTSCTAB)

48 Dealer Distribution Systems Caterpillar Confidential Yellow Set Up Payment Terms (MNTSCTAB)- Option X

49 Dealer Distribution Systems Caterpillar Confidential Yellow Assign Default Payment Terms by Line of Business (MNTFNCRDP)

50 Dealer Distribution Systems Caterpillar Confidential Yellow DBSi 5.0- Payment Terms Process The payment program process is as follows: –Check to see if a due date is entered on the document. If so use that as the baseline date and enter payment terms of due immediately. –If a due date is not entered on the document, the program will check to see if the customer has payment terms. If so, these payment terms will be used. –If there are no payment terms on the customer master the default payment terms by line of business will be used. –If a document is sent to CODA V11.3 without a due date and there is no payment term on the document code, the due date will be due immediately.

51 Dealer Distribution Systems Caterpillar Confidential Yellow Maintain Payment Terms by Document Code- CODA V11

52 Dealer Distribution Systems Caterpillar Confidential Yellow CODA V11- Interest Calculation Standard Interest Calculation is computed the same in CODA V11.3 as it is in CODA V4 which is at the line item level. This is an option that will be available. Please Note: At this time the standard CODA functionality will post negative interest. A CODA V11.3 ledger and CODA Excel Template has been created to generate interest charges on overdue open balances. Within the ledger you define the parameters that make an item overdue. Therefore it is possible to build in Grace Days if necessary.

53 Dealer Distribution Systems Caterpillar Confidential Yellow CODA V11- Customer Statements CODA V11.3 does not offer a standard customer statement. There will be four output options: –iSeries Spool File –Windows Spool File –PDF Document-Open and Closed Items(International,European and US format) –PDF Document-Open Items (International,European and US format)

54 Dealer Distribution Systems Caterpillar Confidential Yellow Customer Statement Input Screen

55 Dealer Distribution Systems Caterpillar Confidential Yellow Questions / Comments

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