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2003 NSF REU Soil Evaporation and Classification Kacey Cubine, Scott Horton, Rose Rotter, and Noah Friesen.

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Presentation on theme: "2003 NSF REU Soil Evaporation and Classification Kacey Cubine, Scott Horton, Rose Rotter, and Noah Friesen."— Presentation transcript:

1 2003 NSF REU Soil Evaporation and Classification Kacey Cubine, Scott Horton, Rose Rotter, and Noah Friesen

2 Featuring Brief Overview Project Objectives Procedure Results Conclusions Continuing Research

3 From Birth to Extinction Over 1,800 miles in length Draws water from Southern Colorado Rockies Water used for irrigation, residential, tribal, recreation, and habitat.

4 Drought Current Events Restoration Projects

5 Salt Cedar Removal

6 The Salt Cedar

7 Objectives To locate appropriate sites for field research To classify the soils at those locations To infer soil evaporation behavior from soil conditions

8 Sites Middle Rio Grande Valley

9 Shirk

10 Belen

11 Sevilleta

12 Bosque Del Apache - North

13 Bosque Del Apache - South

14 Classification Tests Sieve tests Hydrometer Atterberg limits

15 Soil Properties In situ Density Specific Gravity Hydraulic Conductivity Suction Moisture Characteristic Curve

16 Tensiometers

17 Results Shirk DataSevilleta

18 Results

19 Conclusions Sites were found, but are not perfect. Water table depths between 122 cm and 162 cm. ==Location==

20 Conclusions Layers are not consistent throughout the Bosque. Predominant soil types. ==Characterization==

21 Conclusions There is a potential gradient. Equipment is not perfect. Time is of the essence. ==Tensiometers==

22 Future Research

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