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THIS IS With Host... Your 100 200 300 400 500 7 Principles and Preamble Legislative Branch Executive Branch Judicial Branch Checks and Balances/ Bill.

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Presentation on theme: "THIS IS With Host... Your 100 200 300 400 500 7 Principles and Preamble Legislative Branch Executive Branch Judicial Branch Checks and Balances/ Bill."— Presentation transcript:




4 With Host... Your

5 100 200 300 400 500 7 Principles and Preamble Legislative Branch Executive Branch Judicial Branch Checks and Balances/ Bill of Rights Electoral College and Elections

6 Which principle states that we have a government where the people rule? A 100

7 Popular Sovereignty A 100

8 How many goals are stated in the preamble of the Constitution? A 200

9 There are 6 goals in the preamble A 200

10 The principle of Republicanism is based on what belief? A 300

11 The people exercise their power by voting for representatives A 300

12 Name two of the goals of the preamble and give examples of how these are carried out A 400

13 Possible responses: 1.Form a more perfect union- states working together such as interstate roads and consistent money 2.Establish justice- court and jury systems 3.Insure domestic tranquility- National Guard and Federal Marshals 4. Provide for the common defense- army, navy 5.Promote the general welfare- safety in the workplace, aid to the poor 6.Secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity- federal election commission, commission on civil rights A 400

14 Which two principles of the Constitution discuss how power is divided and how power is evenly distributed and controlled between the three branches? A 500

15 Separation of Powers and Checks and Balances A 500

16 How many Senators and how many representatives are there in the U.S Congress? B 100

17 100 Senators and 435 Reps. B 100

18 What are the 3 qualifications to be a Representative in the House? B 200

19 25 years old, U.S. citizen for 7 years, live in the state where elected B 200

20 Who are the presiding officers of the House and Senate? B 300

21 House- Speaker of the House Senate- Vice President of the US B 300

22 Name two important duties of the Senate B 400

23 Pass bills/laws Approve treaties Approve presidential appointments Jury in impeachment B 400

24 Name and explain two forbidden powers of Congress B 500

25 Possible answers- Habeas Corpus- bringing a prisoner before a judge to decide if they are being held lawfully Ex Post Facto- A law which makes someone guilty of a crime committed before the act was made illegal Titles of Nobility- No titles or gifts can be accepted from foreign countries Spending Money- No money can be spent until Congress passes a bill allowing it B 500

26 What are the qualifications to be President? C 100

27 35 years old Natural born citizen Live in the U.S. for 14 years C 100

28 What is the role of the President’s cabinet? C 200

29 To advise the president C 200

30 Name two duties of the Vice President C 300

31 Acts as presiding officer of the Senate Cast a vote if there is a tie in the Senate Take over for the president if he/she cannot fulfill his or her duties C 300


33 Name three duties of the President C 400

34 1.sign/veto bills 2.Negotiate treaties 3.Appoint members of cabinet, judges of federal courts 4.Grant pardons 5.Call Congress into special session 6.Report the state of the union 7.Commander in chief of armed forces C 400

35 Name the order of succession if the President cannot fulfill his or her duties C 500

36 1.President 2.Vice President 3.Speaker of the House 4.President Pro-Tempore 5.Secretary of State 6.Various Cabinet Members C 500

37 What are the qualifications to be a federal judge? D 100

38 There are none! D 100

39 What is the term of a federal judge? D 200

40 Life D 200

41 How does a federal judge get his or her job? (two steps..) D 300

42 Selected by the president, approved by the senate D 300

43 Name the three types of federal courts D 400

44 District Court, Court of Appeals, Supreme Court D 400

45 Name two reasons a case may be heard in the Supreme Court D 500

46 Violation of the Constitution, Court of final appeals D 500

47 How many amendments make up the Bill of Rights? E 100

48 The first 10 amendments E 100

49 What is one way the legislative branch checks the executive branch? E 200

50 Overriding vetoes Impeach and remove the president Refuse to confirm appointments E 200

51 What is the purpose of the bill of rights? E 300

52 To safeguard individual rights of the people E 300

53 Name one way the executive branch checks each of the other two branches E 400

54 Judicial- appoints federal judges, grants reprieves and pardons Legislative- can veto bills, call special sessions of Congress, can recommend laws E 400

55 Name the five rights/freedoms that the first amendment protects E 500

56 1.Freedom of speech 2.Freedom of press 3.Freedom of religion 4.Freedom to assemble 5.Freedom to petition E 500

57 How many total votes are there in the electoral college? F 100

58 538 F 100

59 How many electoral votes are needed to win an election? F 200

60 270 F 200

61 How many electoral votes does Illinois have? F 300

62 21 F 300

63 Name the candidates in the 2008 election and the political parties they represent F 400

64 Barack Obama- democrat John McCain- republican F 400

65 Name two examples of “third parties” from the current election F 500

66 Green Party Libertarian Party F 500

67 The Final Jeopardy Category is: Election News 2008 Please record your wager. Click on screen to begin

68 Barack Obama appointed Hillary Clinton to what cabinet position? Click on screen to continue

69 Secretary of State Click on screen to continue

70 Thank You for Playing Jeopardy! Game Designed By C. Harr-MAIT

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