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6 TH GRADE Volcano Test Review. Landforms When magma hardens in a volcano’s pipe, the result will eventually be a landform called a ________________ Magma.

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Presentation on theme: "6 TH GRADE Volcano Test Review. Landforms When magma hardens in a volcano’s pipe, the result will eventually be a landform called a ________________ Magma."— Presentation transcript:

1 6 TH GRADE Volcano Test Review

2 Landforms When magma hardens in a volcano’s pipe, the result will eventually be a landform called a ________________ Magma that forces across rock layers hardens into a ____________ A mass of rock formed when a large body of magma cools inside the crust is called________ Volcanic neck Dike batholiths

3 Landforms What is the landform when a mass of harden magma is uplifted, causing layers of rock to bend upward? Dome mountain

4 Landforms When many layers of thin, runny lava build up a high, level area the result is a _________ Lava plateau

5 Features The long tube in the ground that connects the magma chamber to Earth’s surface is called the _______ The huge hole left by the collapse of a volcanic mountain is called a ___________ Pipe caldera

6 Identify This large opening around the central vent is called a ___________.

7 Location A major volcanic belt known as the _____________circles the Pacific Ocean. Ring of fire

8 Types of volcanoes and eruptions A volcano that may erupt again in the distant future is _________ When ashes, cinders, and bombs build up in a steep pile around a volcano’s vent, the result is a ___________ Tall, cone shaped mountain with layers of lava alternating with layers of ash is called a ________ Dormant Cinder cone volcano Composite volcano

9 What is a Lahar? Lahar is an Indonesian word that describes a hot or cold mixture of water and rock fragments flowing down the slopes of a volcano and or river valleys. When moving it looks like a mass of wet concrete that carries rock debris ranging in size from clay to boulders. Lahars vary in size and speed. Small lahars less than a few meters wide and several centimeters deep may flow a few meters per second. Large lahars hundreds of meters wide and ten of meters deep can flow several tens of meters per second. Too fast to out run.

10 What are these features?

11 Energy An energy source called ____energy is provided by water heated by magma. Geothermal energy

12 Characteristics The resistance of a liquid to flowing is called __________ What two features determine the viscosity of lava? Viscosity Silica and temperature

13 Lists Name the three types of volcanoes. Name the life stages of a volcano. Shield, composite, and cinder cone Active, dormant, and extinct

14 Identify What type of volcano is Paricutin?

15 Identify What type of volcano is this?

16 Types of lava What do you call fast moving rope like lava, that is very hot? What do you call chunky slow moving lava that is formed at a lower temperature? Pahoehoe Aa

17 Identify Mt. Rainer is an example of what type of volcano?

18 Identify Mt. Shasta is an example of what type of volcano?

19 These are examples of what type of volcanic explosion?

20 What happened?

21 Eruptions What are the two types of volcanic eruptions? What type of eruption occurs when the magma is low in silica? Quiet and expl0sive quiet

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