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“We Can Overcome Our Fears!” Judges 6:11-24. “…People are afraid of losing… People are afraid of life itself.”

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Presentation on theme: "“We Can Overcome Our Fears!” Judges 6:11-24. “…People are afraid of losing… People are afraid of life itself.”"— Presentation transcript:

1 “We Can Overcome Our Fears!” Judges 6:11-24

2 “…People are afraid of losing… People are afraid of life itself.”

3 Fear stalks us constantly. It robs us of sleep, ruins our health and destroys our testimony…

4 Methuselah ate what he found on his plate, And never, as people do now, Did he note the amount of the caloric count; He ate it because it was chow. He wasn’t disturbed as a dinner he sat, Devouring a roast or a pie, To think it was lacking in granular fat, Or a couple of vitamins shy. He cheerfully chewed each species of food, Unmindful of troubles or fears. Lest his health might be hurt By some fancy dessert; And he lived over 900 years.

5 Purpose: to learn we can in fact overcome our fears

6 IOur TASK from God A.Where We Are Now

7 Signs of the Times

8 IOur TASK from God A.Where We Are Now B.Where We Have Been

9 Judges 6:13 “…O my lord, if the Lord is with us, why then has all this happened to us? And where are all His miracles…”

10 IOur TASK from God A.Where We Are Now B.Where We Have Been C.Who We Really Are

11 We must have trust in God. He wants us to know He will use us no matter how insignificant and inadequate we think…

12 IIOur TEST for God

13 Judges 6:17 “…show me a sign that it is You who speaks to me.”

14 Matthew 12:39 “An evil and adulterous generation craves for a sign.”

15 IIOur TEST for God A.Proof Was Given

16 Gideon built an altar to the Lord by tearing down the altar of Baal and the Asherah pole… Did this at night (6:27)…

17 Gideon puts out the fleece (2 times) testing God…

18 IIOur TEST for God A.Proof Was Given B.Proof Is Given

19 There is a preoccupation “modern day miracles” to the exclusion of His Word… They reduce the Bible to something “nice” but not complete, final or all sufficient!

20 IIIOur TRUST in God A.Gideon Believed God

21 God wants us to examine the evidence, believe and put our trust in His care…

22 IIIOur TRUST in God A.Gideon Believed God B.Gideon Took Action


24 Gideon was instructed by God to get more assurance… Sent to the camp of the Midianites… He heard an account of a dream… Upon hearing this, Gideon bowed in worship!

25 Do we trust God enough to take action? Only when we start acting in faith will fear diminish…!

26 Roy Coop resolved to become a preacher of the Gospel… Addressing the group, “I have joined an army the rest of you wouldn’t have the courage to join.”

27 Summary and Conclusion: It takes courage to be enlisted in the Lord’s Army and to live counter to the trends of our culture. But Proverbs 28:1 summarized well this text and the two main points of our overcoming fear: “The wicked flee when no one is pursuing, but the righteous are bold as a lion.”

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