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Please find a seat. Please sit quietly. When I come in, we will get you your assigned seat and get started.

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Presentation on theme: "Please find a seat. Please sit quietly. When I come in, we will get you your assigned seat and get started."— Presentation transcript:

1 Please find a seat. Please sit quietly. When I come in, we will get you your assigned seat and get started.

2 My name is Mrs. Howerton. This is my 6 th year teaching. I taught 4 years of 5 th Grade at IXL and this is my 2 nd year at ACMS. I have been married for 8 years and have a almost 3 year old son, Lane.

3 1st Elective: 7:55-8:45 2nd Core: 8:49-9:41 3rd Elective: 9:45-10:27 4th Core: 10:41-11:27 Lunch 11:31-12:01 5th Core: 12:01-12:53 6th Core: 12:57-1:48 7th Core: 1:52-2:43 Homebase: 2:47-3:15

4 Daily Schedule Come in and IMMEDIATELY get started on your Bellwork. There will be Bellwork EVERYDAY Lesson for the day Time to work on Homework Exit Quiz/Khan/AR Read *there is ALWAYS something to do!

5 Come to class prepared, you will need: Pencils 1 inch binder Calculator (optional) Hands and feet should be kept to your self. Please raise your hand if you need something, stay in your seat, listen and follow directions. Please do not leave any trash around your area.

6 Come to class prepared, you will need: Pencils 1 inch binder Calculator (optional) Hands and feet should be kept to your self. Please raise your hand if you need something, stay in your seat, listen and follow directions. Please do not leave any trash around your area.

7 Be prepared to have homework every night. Sometimes, if the class is doing well and following directions you will be rewarded with no homework. There will be bellwork on the board everyday. You will get a Bellwork paper every 2 weeks. If there is no Bellwork for that day just skip it and go on to the next.

8 Substitute Teacher If your name is left on the substitute note it is an AUTOMATIC office referral! I expect you to act the same way you do when I am teaching!

9 You will NOT have a textbook. Chromebook Guidelines: Will only get one when I ask you to. When using Chromebooks, you must follow all directions. Do not turn your Chromebook on until I tell you to do so. Do not go to a website or application unless told to do so. Return the Chromebook to the exact spot where you got it, must plug it in. Do not get a different number then what is on your desk! Check for damages before we get started.

10 Homework and Bellwork will be a completetion grade. Bellwork and Exit Quizes will be worth 2-3 points. Everyday an assignment is late I will take off 10% up to 50% Grade Break Down: 25%-Homework/Daily Assignments 25%- Chapter Quizzes 40%-9 Week tests/Projects 10%-Khan

11 Khan Academy We will be using Khan Academy this year. Once everyone gets their technology forms turned in, we will get an account set up. Khan will count for homebase and 10% of your class grade


13 Make-Up Work It is YOUR responsibility to get your make-up work. Make-Up Binder If you know you will be absent please get your assignment in advance!

14 If you need help email or come in before or after school.

15 My website

16 Fire & Tornado Drills Where to go during a fire & tornado drill? Expectations during a fire & tornado drill.

17 Tardies & Cell Phones Tardy policy is on the board (go over with class) Cell Phones: I DON'T want to SEE IT or HEAR IT! If I do I will take it and you can pick it up from Mrs. Hernandez, this is your warning! I will NOT give it back to you at the end of class.

18 Morning Routine BEFORE School When you get to school sit on the GOLD carpet. DO NOT roam the halls or leave the carpet without permission. 7:40 Dismissal for breakfast 7:45 Purple team goes to the Purple carpet You may go to your locker when you get here. If you need to go see a teacher you need to ask the teacher on duty and have a pass!

19 Type your text here

20 Type Your Title Here Type your text here

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