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Volunteer needed. Qualifications include… Trustworthy, honest and true Knows how to find Hellems Can find History Office in HLMS 204 Willing to wait until.

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Presentation on theme: "Volunteer needed. Qualifications include… Trustworthy, honest and true Knows how to find Hellems Can find History Office in HLMS 204 Willing to wait until."— Presentation transcript:

1 Volunteer needed. Qualifications include… Trustworthy, honest and true Knows how to find Hellems Can find History Office in HLMS 204 Willing to wait until other students finish FCQs Will collect pencils as well as completed FCQs and transport them to HIST office

2 Suggested topics to consider for your comments A.Which books you enjoyed most/least B.Emphasis on papers, discussions, and participation over quizzes and midterms C.Usefulness of terms in syllabus for preparing for quizzes and final D.Compared to other large lectures E.Feedback on TA’s moderation of the discussions


4 Print contributed to the decline of the prestige of the Church leaders

5 Print changed the reputation of the ancients by exposing their flaws

6 Print removed the dependence on patronage

7 Print unleashed a torrent of inaccurate and misleading material

8 Print Encouraged the Development of Science De Revolutionibus 1543

9 Ptolemy’s Map

10 Ptolemeic Map

11 Mappae Mundi T-O map Terra Oceana

12 Genoese Map c. 1457

13 Waldseemuller’s Map, 1507

14 Roselli, 1508

15 Ortelius’ Map, 1597

16 Compass Diagram c. 1300

17 Astrolabe

18 Mariner’s Quadrant

19 Portuguese Exploration Influenced by Arabic knowledge of the stars and navigation, the Portuguese were the premier sailors of Europe c. 1500

20 Portuguese Caravel c. 1470

21 Carvel Built or Lapstrake ships allowed for improved tacking


23 Replica of the Santa Maria A Carrack

24 Carrack c. 1490

25 The Reformation

26 Luther & The Reformation Reaction against indulgences Questioning the practices the medieval Church had developed to sustain its finances Based on deep religious conviction Not really progressive but tended to be very conservative

27 Frederick of Saxony, 1463-1525 Frederick the wise was a powerful prince within the Holy Roman Empire Had consistently sought to increase the power of territorial princes at the expense of the Emperor Had refused the imperial crown and supported the election of Charles V Remained Catholic throughout his life

28 The Beginning of a New Church – Augsburg 1530

29 The Augsburg Confession, 1530 Formal declaration of Lutheran ideas, written by Luther’s aide Philip Melanchthon  Endorsed by several princes within the Empire Included 28 articles of faith –21 reaffirmed Catholic doctrines –7 criticized Catholic practices related to monasticism, clerical celibacy, mandatory confession, and others Intended to defend Lutherans from rumors & misrepresentations of their beliefs and to separate them from the radical sects spreading across the Empire A reply from the Church accepted several articles without qualification while questioning others Later influenced the Anglican and Methodist declarations of faith

30 The Spread of the Reformation

31 Henry VIII r. 1509-1547

32 Thomas Cromwell Spearheaded widespread suppression of monasteries in 1530s Architect of Henry’s break with Rome: Act of supremacy (1534)

33 Calvinist Worship


35 The Council of Trent 1545-1563

36 The Roman & Spanish Inquisitions  An Auto da fé

37 Confessional Map of Western Christendom c. 1560

38 Splintering of Western Christendom

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