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Midterm Fall 2009 CS 4500 Karl Lieberherr. Black box for TBall Want to use it to play Slow Pitch Softball. Slow Pitch Softball is reducible to TBall.

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Presentation on theme: "Midterm Fall 2009 CS 4500 Karl Lieberherr. Black box for TBall Want to use it to play Slow Pitch Softball. Slow Pitch Softball is reducible to TBall."— Presentation transcript:

1 Midterm Fall 2009 CS 4500 Karl Lieberherr

2 Black box for TBall Want to use it to play Slow Pitch Softball. Slow Pitch Softball is reducible to TBall. The black box contains: – TBallOffer, TBallAccept, TBallProvide, TBallSolve Translation T: SPS -> TBall – Accept(SPS c) is winning iff TBallAccept(T(c)) is winning – T is fast (polynomial time)

3 Similar situation from Theory of Computation Black box for 3-Coloring a graph. We want to use it to solve the 3-SAT problem. The black box contains: HasA-3Coloring(graph g) Translation T: 3-SAT -> 3-Coloring – s is satisfiable iff T(s) has a 3-Coloring – T is fast (polynomial time)

4 Black box for Fast Pitch Softball (FPS) Want to use it to play Midterm Softball (MS). The black box contains: – TBallOffer, TBallAccept, TBallProvide, TBallSolve Translation T: MS-> FPS – Accept(MS c) is winning iff FPSAccept(T(c)) is winning – T is fast (polynomial time)

5 ST: Slow Pitch Softball (SPS) is reducible to TBall Offer – Use TBallOffer to create TBall challenge. Add some implied relations. Accept(SPS c) – TBallAccept(ST(c)) Provide(SPS c) – TBallProvide(ST(c)) Solve(SPS c, Problem p) – p’=Filter ST(c) constraints in p; TBallSolve(ST(c), p’)

6 MF: Midterm Softball (MS) is reducible to Fast Pitch Softball (FPS) MFC: Translate Midterm challenge to (R1,R2) Fast Pitch Softball challenge. MFP: MS problems -> FPS problems FMP: FPS_MS problems -> MS problems Offer – Create MS challenge mch; Use FPSBreakEven(MFC(mch)) to compute price Accept(MS c) – FPSAccept(MFC(c)) Provide(MS c) – FMP(FPSProvide(MFC(c))) Solve(MS c, Problem p) – FPSSolve(MFC(c), MFP(p))

7 Playing SCG-Scholar for MS->FPS Alice claims: I understand MS->FPS Bob opposes Alice. Bob gives her a winning MS challenge Alice translates it to FPS The FPS challenge is not winning. Alice loses; she has demonstrated that she does not understand MS->FPS.

8 Playing SCG-Scholar for MS->FPS: Another variant: code review Alice claims: I have a correct translation T:MS- FPS. Bob opposes Alice. Alice gives her code for T to Bob. Bob does a code review of T and finds an input where T fails. Bob wins: he has demonstrated to Alice that she does not have a correct translation

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