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Published byRuby Scott Modified over 9 years ago
Actilab Kick-off meeting SPES Target Group Actilab Kick-off meeting 2010 SPES Target developments Jacobo Montano On behalf of the INFN-LNL
Actilab Kick-off meeting SPES Target Group The Material R&D (Two labs are involved!) R&D Started on 2004 ; LaC x test material ->UC x LaC x UC x 13 mm 40 mm 13 mm TEST MATERIAL FINAL GOAL Good News (!) concerning: - 40 mm dia UCx production - UCx on line test @ HRIBF - Data analysis almost completed - Start production of B 4 C
Actilab Kick-off meeting SPES Target Group Proton-rich beams for SPES-α 1H1H 2 He 3 Li 4 Be 5B5B 6C6C 7N7N 8O8O 9F9F 10 Ne 11 Na 12 Mg 13 Al 14 Si 15 P 16 S 17 Cl 18 Ar 19 K 20 Ca 21 Sc 22 Ti 23 V 24 Cr 25 Mn 26 Fe 27 Co 28 Ni 29 Cu 30 Zn 31 Ga 32 Ge 33 As 34 Se 35 Br 36 Kr 37 Rb 38 Sr 39 Y 40 Zr 41 Nb 42 Mo 43 Tc 44 Ru 45 Rh 46 Pd 47 Ag 48 Cd 49 In 50 Sn 51 Sb 52 Te 53 I 54 Xe 55 Cs 56 Ba 72 Hf 73 Ta 74 W 75 Re 76 Os 77 Ir 78 Pt 79 Au 80 Hg 81 Tl 82 Pb 83 Bi 84 Po 85 At 86 Rn 87 Fr 88 Ra 57 La 58 Ce 59 Pr 60 Nd 61 Pm 62 Sm 63 Eu 64 Gd 65 Te 66 Dy 67 Ho 68 Er 69 Tm 70 Yb 71 Lu 89 Ac 90 Th 91 Pa 92 U 93 Np 94 Pu 95 Am 96 Cm 97 Bk 98 Cf 99 Es 100 Fm 101 Md 102 No 103 Lr Alkaline - Alkaline earth metals Halogens Noble gases Post-transition elements Transition metals Lanthanides
Actilab Kick-off meeting SPES Target Group SiC Target ElementoAHalf LifeTarget dedicatiIonizzazione Na2122.48 sAl 2 O 3 – SiC - CeSSIS Na222.6 aAl 2 O 3 – SiC - CeSSIS Mg223.86 sAl 2 O 3 – SiC - CeSLIS-FEBIAD Mg2311.3 sAl 2 O 3 – SiC - CeSLIS-FEBIAD Al242.05 sSiC - CeSSIS-LIS Al257.18 sSiC - CeSSIS-LIS Al266.35 sSiC - CeSSIS-LIS P294.1 sSiC - CeSFEBIAD SiC (Saint Gobain) 28 Si(p, ) 25 Al 28 Si(p,2pn) 26 Al
Actilab Kick-off meeting SPES Target Group Oxide/Boron Carbide Target ElementoAHalf LifeTarget dedicatiIonizzazione Be753.29 dB 4 C - OssidiLIS-FEBIAD F1764.8 sZrO 2 – HfO 2 FEBIAD F18109.7 mAl 2 O 3 FEBIAD Si262.21 sAl 2 O 3 - CeSFEBIAD Si274.16 sAl 2 O 3 - CeSFEBIAD Oxide foams Boron Carbide H 3 BO 3 + C source → B 4 C
Actilab Kick-off meeting SPES Target Group Zr-based target ElementoAHalf LifeTarget dedicatiIonizzazione As7380.3 dZrC – ZrO 2 FEBIAD As7417.77 dZrC – ZrO 2 FEBIAD Br7757 hZrC – ZrO 2 FEBIAD Br786.46 mZrC – ZrO 2 FEBIAD Kr7934.9 hZrC – ZrO 2 FEBIAD Rb8030 sZrC – ZrO 2 SIS Rb814.58 hZrC – ZrO 2 SIS Rb826.3 hZrC – ZrO 2 SIS Rb8386.2 dZrC – ZrO 2 SIS Rb8432.8 dZrC – ZrO 2 SIS Sr8225.34 dZrC – ZrO 2 SIS Sr8332.4 hZrC – ZrO 2 SIS Sr8564.9 dZrC – ZrO 2 SIS ZrC foam ZrO 2 + 3C → ZrC + 2CO
Actilab Kick-off meeting SPES Target Group ElementoAHalf LifeTarget dedicatiIonizzazione I12613.11dLaCx - CeSFEBIAD Xe12736.4 dCeSFEBIAD Cs12932 hCeSSIS Cs13029.2 mLaCx - CeSSIS Cs1319.69 dLaCx - CeSSIS Cs1326.47 dLaCx - CeSSIS Ba13111.5 dLaCx - CeSSIS La1333.91 hCeSSIS La1346.67 mCeSSIS La13519.4 hCeSSIS La1369.9 mCeSSIS Ce13517.76 hLaCxSIS Pr13776.6 mCeSSIS Pr1382 hCeSSIS Pr1394.5 hCeSSIS Pr1403.4 mCeSSIS Lanthanide-based target LaCx La 2 O 3 + 11C → 2LaC 2 + 4C + 3CO CeS Ce 2 S 3 + CeO 2 + 2C → 3CeS + 2CO
Actilab Kick-off meeting SPES Target Group ElementoAHalf LifeTarget dedicatiIonizzazione Ho16429 mTaCSIS Tm16893.1 dTaCSIS Yb16932 dTaCSIS Lu1726.7 dTaCSIS Lu1731.37 aTaCSIS Lu1743.31 aTaCSIS Hf17323.6 hTaCFEBIAD TaC target TaC foam Ta 2 O 5 + 7C → 2TaC + 5CO
Actilab Kick-off meeting SPES Target Group Boron carbide (B 4 C) Sol-gel synthesis: boric acid B(OH) 3 + citric acid C 6 H 8 O 7 Solution of the acidGel formation Dried gel Grounding and cold pressing Thermal treated sample Thermal treatment : up to 800°C in low vacuum (5*10 -2 mbar), 0.5 °C/min up to 1500°C in vacuum with Ar flow (5*10 -1 mbar), 3°C/min 2 hours at 1500°C B 4 C formation Further treatments: - Different boric acid/citric acid ratios - Different time/temperatures - Different pressures during treatment - Use of binders
Actilab Kick-off meeting SPES Target Group New Graphite disks 40 mm Graphite foams with different porosity (for effusion tests)
Actilab Kick-off meeting SPES Target Group Surface Ion source 12 HHe 34567910 LiBeBCNOFNe 1112131415161718 NaMgAlSiPSClAr 192021222324252627282930313233343536 KCaScTiVCrMnFeCoNiCuZnGaGeAsSeBrKr 373839404142434445464748495051525354 RbSrYZrNbMoTcRuRhPdAgCdInSnSbTeIXe 555657727374757677787980818283848586 CsBaLaHfTaWReOsIrPtAuHgTlPbBiPoAtRn 878889104105106107108109110111112 FrRaAcRfDbSgBhHsMt 8 Elements with bad volatility (NOT EXTRACTED) Surface Ionization Method Laser beam Laser Ion source Photo Ionization Method Ionization Method Plasma Ionization Method Main n-rich SPES beams Main fission 238U fragments febiad Ion source
Actilab Kick-off meeting SPES Target Group SPES Expected neutron rich beams ElementMassMost Intense isotope (1/s)Ioniz. Eff (%)TargetIonization methodR&D (difficulty) Ni65-6910 +6 6UCxLIS** Cu66-7610 +6 7UCxLIS** Zn72-7910 +6 5UCxLIS** Ga72-8410 +6 20UCxLIS** Ge75-8410 +7 3UCxLIS*** Kr 85-9310 +7 30 UCx FEBIAD *** Rb86-9410 +9 65UCxSIS* Sr89-9610 +8 UCxSIS+LIS*** Y90-9710 +7 UCxLIS**** Pd111-11810 +7 UCxLIS**** Ag110-12010 +8 14UCxLIS** Cd115-12410 +8 10UCxLIS** In116-12810 +8 15UCxSIS+LIS** Sn123-13410 +9 15UCxLIS** Sb124-13510 +8 3UCxLIS*** Te129-13810 +7 UCxLIS**** Xe 137-142 10 +7 30 UCx FEBIAD *** Cs134-14410 +9 85UCxSIS* Ba139-14610 +8 UCxSIS+LIS*** La141-14510 +6 UCxSIS+LIS***
Actilab Kick-off meeting SPES Target Group FIRST UCx 40mm. Pellet Made at Padova UCx Lab (Feb ‘10) Before thermal treatment After thermal treatment
Actilab Kick-off meeting SPES Target Group On line UCx test at HRIBF Seven UC 2 samples SPES Target Group (in collaboration with HRIBF) Densities in the range of 4.2 g/cm 3 Used the SPES design where the targets are spaced out to allow for enhanced radiation to the walls of the container Heated to 2000° C for about two weeks without any out-gassing or obvious change in structure (samples observed after the on-line test) 7 UCx pellets of 13 mm. diameter Thanks to Dan Stracener and ORNL-TIS group
Actilab Kick-off meeting SPES Target Group Target discs status after (6 days) 40 MeV irradiation On line UCx test at HRIBF
Actilab Kick-off meeting SPES Target Group Preliminary DATA (2000°C on target) Isotopes measured at the after the mass separator Proton energy = 40MeV On line UCx test at HRIBF N-Rich Isotopes yields
Actilab Kick-off meeting SPES Target Group Conclusions ENSAR – ACTILAB: European contract signed but up to now we do not have green light to go on for fellowship application. INFN involved in two sub-tasks:1) Production 2) Characterization INFN contribution to ACTILAB: 1)development of UCx with CNT in collaboration with CERN two complete targets already available at ISOLDE. 2)we have new materials to be characterized and we are interested to collaborate at porosimetry measurements with Orsay. 2011 is a critical year for us about the material development. The Padova Laboratory is closing and we started the developing of a class A laboratory at LNL devoted to UCx development
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