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EOVSA Data and Database System J. McTiernan EOVSA Technical DesignMeeting 7-Nov-2011.

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Presentation on theme: "EOVSA Data and Database System J. McTiernan EOVSA Technical DesignMeeting 7-Nov-2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 EOVSA Data and Database System J. McTiernan EOVSA Technical DesignMeeting 7-Nov-2011

2 EOVSA pipeline processing summary: Interim DB (from DPP) Archive Process Application, File DBs Qlook Spec, FS Process Qlook Spec, Full Sun images The first Process takes the IDB; does time-dependent calibration, time and frequency averaging and creates the first of the Application databases. The next Process takes the ADB files, and creates spectrograms and full Sun images for browsing purposes and for use by the data analysis SW. The start point is the interim database, output from the DPP. This has had time-independent calibrations applied. Application databases are “Science” data, binned in time and frequency for use by the Data Analysis SW - in MIRIAD format (can also do FITS format if people want to use non-MIRIAD SW). We expect multiple datasets, magnetography, bursts, utility, type III. File databases contain information about the time range covered by each Application dataset. Quicklook Spectrograms are dynamic power spectra, functions of frequency and time, that can be used to choose time and frequency intervals by the data analysis SW. Full sun images could be used for choosing positions for high spatial resolution imaging.

3 Burst Process The next process examines the Qlook spectra and attempts to create a list of events. Also in this step, we look for intervals for magnetography, feeding back into the Mag. Database. Information from non-EOVSA sources may be helpful in identifying events. Event List Once we have a list of events, we go back and create more application databases, for flares, type IIIs. Event DBs The event database will be optimized in frequency and time resolution for burst studies. Event Images Images of bursts will hopefully be generated automatically, for distribution, and display on the cool EOVSA web pages. Event Archive Process Event Image Process Mag. DBModels Display

4 The EOVSA GUI is an IDL wrapper that will create MIRIAD scripts, which can be run locally or on a dedicated EOVSA server. The GUI borrows heavily from the RHESSI data analysis software. On initialization, the user chooses an observation time interval, and the dynamic spectrum for that time range is displayed. (Sample is FST data, but plot is simulated. ) The user will have the option of choosing time and frequency ranges graphically, or via pop-up widgets. Other settings, e.g., frequency binning, baseline choices, or frequency masks, are handled by selection widgets. Analysis SW: EOVSA IDL GUI

5 If you click the file pulldown: “Select Observation Time Interval” selects a time interval for which the Olook spectrogram will be plotted in the window. “Retrieve/Process Data” allows for choice of time interval and frequency bands for images and spectra. This is where most of the action is. You choose your parameters, press the “DO” button, MIRIAD commands are generated, and images or spectra are done. The rest of the buttons are for plotting, and exporting data: “Set Plot Preferences”, Sets plotting preferences for screen files and plot files, “Configure Plot File” allows the user to name the file, and output directory. “Print Plot” will print the plot, “Export Data” will allow you to export the data non- graphically, maybe in FITS format. “Exit” means exit. Currently only the Exit button is operational. The rest will be filled in.

6 Once the “DO” button is clicked, the IDL program generates a series of MIRIAD commands, which are written to a file. If the user has MIRIAD on his system, a process is spawned, and maps are created. If the user has no MIRIAD, then there is an option to upload the command file to our server, which will queue and then run the process. The user can choose to be notified via email that his process has been run, or the IDL shell can be configured to automatically look for results. Image maps are saved in (FITS, MIRIAD or FITS or both) format. The EOVSA program will be able to read and display the image files.

7 Testing plan: Use FST foc data to establish ability to write MIRIAD format files, this will be needed for DPP and application databases. Resulting files will be used as input for prototype of data analysis SW. Also model files will be used to establish imaging capability

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