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The Watsons Go to Birmingham- 1963 Vocabulary Chapters 5-8.

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Presentation on theme: "The Watsons Go to Birmingham- 1963 Vocabulary Chapters 5-8."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Watsons Go to Birmingham- 1963 Vocabulary Chapters 5-8

2 Antifreeze n. : a substance added to a liquid to prevent it from freezing

3 Cologne n.: a scented liquid, usually for men

4 Conscience n. : sense of right and wrong

5 Dispersal n. : condition of being spread out or scattered

6 Executioner n. : one who executes, especially one who puts a condemned person to death

7 flamethrower n. : a weapon that shoots fire

8 haphazardly adv : randomly; by chance

9 High-fidelity n : The electronic reproduction of sound, especially from broadcast or recorded sources, with minimal distortion.

10 Interpretations n : the act of explaining a meaning, the act of using art to explain a meaning

11 Jive n : Slang. deceptive, exaggerated, or meaningless talk

12 Linoleum n : smooth floor tiles

13 Maestro n. : master of an art, such as a musical conductor

14 Peon n. : poor worker, especially one who does menial or degrading work

15 Pinnacle n. : peak; highest point

16 Seniority n. : privilege that comes from being older

17 Symphonic adj. : harmonious in sound

18 Technician n. : person who is an expert on the mechanics of some device or machine

19 Traitor n. : a person who betrays another, a cause, or any trust

20 Udders n : part of a cow and other female mammals in which milk is formed and stored

21 Ultimate n. : something that is the greatest or highest possible

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