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The French Revolution. Essential Questions What changes in political and economic conditions in the 1700s led to the crisis of the late 1700s and the.

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Presentation on theme: "The French Revolution. Essential Questions What changes in political and economic conditions in the 1700s led to the crisis of the late 1700s and the."— Presentation transcript:

1 The French Revolution

2 Essential Questions What changes in political and economic conditions in the 1700s led to the crisis of the late 1700s and the outbreak of the French Revolution? How important in causing the French Revolution were the new Enlightenment ideas about natural rights, democracy, limited government, religious tolerance, and the use of reason in solving social and political problems? What, if anything, could king Louis XVI have done differently to keep the rising anger and frustration in France from triggering a full-scale revolution?

3 Essential Questions (continued) What role did the poor people of Paris and peasants in the countryside play in shaping the Revolution and the way it unfolded? Why did the Revolution go through the violent phase known as the Reign of Terror? Was that phase inevitable? In what ways did the Revolution fail, in what ways was it thwarted or reversed, and in what ways were its basic ideas and ideals realized?

4 King James I of England Absolutism Absolute monarchs didn’t share power with a counsel or parliament “Divine Right of Kings”

5 The Seigneurial System Receiving a seigneurial grant Feudal method of land ownership and organization Peasant labor

6 Louis XIV Ruled from 1643–1715 Reduced the power of the nobility Fought four wars Greatly increased France’s national debt

7 The Seven Years’ War Louis XV French and English troops fight at the battle of Fort St. Philip on the island of Minorca Louis XV War fought in Europe, India, North America France ends up losing some of its colonial possessions Increases French national debt

8 The Three Estates First Estate: clergy Second Estate: nobility Third Estate: the rest of society The Estates General Cartoon depicting the three Estates


10 The Third Estate Taxation Crop failures

11 Movements that led to a Revolution The Enlightenment New Ideas about society and government. The American Revolution France supported the colonists against Great Britain. John Locke Marquis de Lafayette

12 Financial Crisis Jacques Necker Tax on property Calling of the Estates General

13 The Estates General One vote per estate Clergy and nobility usually joined together to out vote the Third Estate Met in Versailles in May 1789 Voting controversy A meeting of the Estates General

14 The National Assembly The Third Estate took action and established its own government. On June 17, 1789, the National Assembly was formed

15 Confrontation with the King Louis XVI ordered the Third Estate locked out of the National Assembly’s meeting hall. The Tennis Court Oath The king reverses his position.

16 Rioting in Paris in early July Firing of Necker July 14th: a mob storms and takes the Bastille Storming of the Bastille

17 Rebellion spreads Peasants destroy the countryside End of feudal privileges The Great Fear

18 Adopted by National Assembly on August 27th Enlightenment ideals Outlined basic freedoms held by all Asserted the sovereignty of the people “Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité” The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen

19 Lower classes still unsatisfied Thousands of starving women and peasants march on Versailles Louis forced to return to Paris The March of Women

20 Financial crisis National Assembly confiscates and sells off church lands Church also secularized, reorganized Clergy oath of loyalty Civil Constitution of the Clergy Cartoon depicting the confiscation of Church lands

21 Émigrés Louis XVI and his family attempted to flee France They were arrested at Varennes Flight of the King The capture of Louis XVI at Varennes

22 Declaration of Pillnitz Possible foreign intervention Reaction from Other Countries Illustration depicting Prussian King Frederick William III, Austrian Emperor Leopold II, and the Comte d’Artois, Louis XVI’s brother

23 New Constitution Constitutional monarchy New Legislative Assembly Sans-culottes Painting depicting the 1791 constitution


25 War With Austria France declares war War of the First Coalition Levee en masse Painting of the Battle of Valmy, 1792

26 Paris mob stormed Tuileries Louis and family seek aid of Legislative Assembly Arrested and deposed The Radicals Take Over Paris crowds storm the Tuileries

27 First met on September 21, 1792 Revolutionary Calendar Monarchy abolished; France officially becomes a republic Factions: Jacobins vs. Girondins The National Convention A Jacobin club

28 Jean-Paul Marat Georges Danton Leaders in the National Convention

29 Lawyer Radical Jacobin Most controversial figure of the French Revolution Robespierre

30 The Guillotine Dr. Joseph Guillotin Intended as a more humane method of execution Thousands guillotined during the French Revolution

31 On January 17, 1793, Louis XVI was convicted of treason He went to the guillotine four days later on January 21, 1793 Execution of the King

32 Created to cease an internal rebellion in 1793 Given dictatorial power Ruled France for nearly a year The Committee of Public Safety A citizen petitions the Committee of Public Safety

33 July 1793– July 1794 Executions Death of Robespierre The Reign of Terror The execution of Marie Antoinette

34 Robespierre overthrown on 9 Thermidor Committee of Public Safety dismantled Jacobin clubs disbanded New constitution adopted in August 1795 Executive branch known as the Directory The Thermidorean Reaction 9 Thermidor meeting of the National Convention

35 Promoted middle class interests Financial crisis Food shortages Riots in Paris Rise of Napoleon The Directory Cartoon depicting the errors and bad judgment of the Directory

36 Popularity rises after victories over the Austrians Conflict with Britain 1799 Coup d’etat The Consulate Napoleon Bonaparte

37 1804: Napoleon crowns himself emperor Napoleon Becomes Emperor

38 Legacies of the French Revolution End of absolutism Power of nobles ended Peasants became landowners Nationalism Enlightenment ideals

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