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January 23 rd -27 th, 2011 Week 21. January 23 rd, 2012 MONDAY.

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Presentation on theme: "January 23 rd -27 th, 2011 Week 21. January 23 rd, 2012 MONDAY."— Presentation transcript:

1 January 23 rd -27 th, 2011 Week 21

2 January 23 rd, 2012 MONDAY

3 Warm Up: January 23, 2012 1. According to the map above, District Twelve is located a) East b) West c) South d) Underwater 2. In which district is most of Georgia located? a) 6 b) 4 c) 11 d) 12 Explain why you chose the answers you chose in two complete sentences.

4 EQ: How does identifying a conflict help me better understand what I read? Focus Standards: ELACC7RI1: Cite several pieces of textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text ELACC7W9: Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research. Today we are learning to explore conflicts and how they affect individuals because it will help us better understand what we read.

5 ACTIVATOR Hunger Games Vocabulary Word Splash mes mes

6 WORK PERIOD “Schools Take Steps to Stop Bullying” Types of Conflict: Man vs. Self Man vs. Man Man vs. Society Man vs. Nature The Hunger Games (Pg. 3-12)

7 Informational Text “Schools Take Steps to Stop Bullying” - What the conflict presented in the article? - 33% of students, ages 12-18, experienced bullying during the 2006-2007 school year. - Escalated? Means to….. - Increase, intensify, or heighten - How are school administrators working to get ride of this conflict? (Paragraph 2) - What type of conflict is this? (Man vs. Nature or Man. vs. Man?) - How does help with bullying reports that may get overlooked? (Paragraph 5)

8 CLOSING Making Connections: Make one conflict connection that you noticed from the Hunger Games & our Informational Text.

9 HOMEWORK Complete your Weekly Reading Passage: Alvin the Super Sub (DUE FRIDAY). Read for 30 minutes and log it in your Reading Log.

10 January 24 th, 2012 TUESDAY

11 SPONGE 1. How many Districts have Male tributes with names? a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4 2. How many tributes are there? a) 12 b) 9 c) 21 d) 24 District Gender Tribute Name 1 Male Marvel Female Glimmer 2 Male Cato Female Clove 3 Male Unknown Female Unknown 4 Male Unknown Female Unknown 5 Male Unknown Female Foxface 6 Male Unknown Female Unknown 7 Male Unknown Female Unknown 8 Male Unknown Female Unknown 9 Male Unknown Female Unknown 10 Male Unknown Female Unknown 11 Male Thresh Female Rue 12 Male Peeta Female Katniss Explain why you chose the answers you chose in two complete sentences.

12 EQ: What is informational text? Focus Standards: ELACC7RI1: Cite several pieces of textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text ELACC7RI10: By the end of the year, read and comprehend literary nonfiction in the grades 6-8 text Today we are learning to define, identify, and cite evidence of informational text because there are features to every type of writing.

13 ACTIVATOR Venn Diagram Practice Create a Venn Diagram comparing yourself to one person at your table. For Example: Ms. Morris & Mrs. Satterwhite will label their Venn Diagram accordingly and identify similarities and differences. Ms. Morris Mrs. Satterwhite

14 WORK PERIOD China Article You have received an article on China which we will read together. Take notes on any parts you find interesting. How does this relate to The Hunger Games? The Hunger Games (Page 13-20)

15 CLOSING I-Respond: What type of conflict does Gerald face when he is in the fire in Chapter 1 of Forged by Fire? a) Man vs. Self b) Man vs. Man c) Man vs. Society d) Man vs. Nature

16 HOMEWORK Complete your Weekly Reading Passage (DUE FRIDAY). Read for 30 minutes and log it in your Reading Log.

17 January 25 th, 2012 WEDNESDAY

18 SPONGE 1. What text feature would you use to find out which page Chapter 14 starts on in The Hunger Games? a) Index b) Table of Contents c) Bullet points d) Section Heading 2. A text feature that set a purpose for reading, and gives an overview of the content to come is a a) Trailer b) Appendix c) Preview d) Preface Explain why you chose the answers you chose in two complete sentences.

19 EQ: What is informational text? Focus Standards: ELACC7W2: Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas, concepts, and information through the selection, organization, and analysis of relevant content. Today we are learning to define, identify, and cite evidence of informational text because there are features to every type of writing.

20 ACTIVATOR Read Aloud! Together we will read The Hunger Games (pg. 21-26) What type of conflicts exist in the story so far? We are reading a fictional story, however can you think of conflicts that exist in society? Let’s discuss.

21 WORK PERIOD Informational Text (9-Week Unit): Grammar Mini Lesson: Informational Text Features Whole Class Activity: Using the Graphic Organizer for Informational Text Take 30 seconds to preview the following pages from Reader’s Journey. (Readers Journey p.42 p.377-378; p.485; p468) What do these texts have in common? (Why? Provide evidence.) What do you think is the main purpose of the texts? (Why? Provide evidence.) Using the graphic organizer to define informational text, give examples, and use the texts you have previewed to discuss its features. Independent Practice: Choose one of the texts you previewed. Complete the Reader’s Journey Questions based on the Text. (Readers Journey p.42 p.377-378; p.485; p468)

22 CLOSING Round Robin: You will have 30 seconds to move around the room and share. What new information did you gain from the text you read.

23 HOMEWORK Complete your Weekly Reading Passage (DUE FRIDAY). Read for 30 minutes and log it in your Reading Log.

24 January 26th, 2012 THURSDAY

25 SPONGE 1. Where would you insert the sentence, “‘Youth programs are made to be violent to get kids interested.’?” a. After A. b. After B. c. After C. d. After the second 2. 2. Where would you insert the sentence, “‘TV does cause violence because acts of violence among youth mimic television programs and most youth programs have violence.’?” a. After A. b. After B. c. After C. d. After the second 1. Answer the following questions using the outline below: I. Television Violence A. Television causes youth violence. 1. Acts of violence among youth mimic television programs 2. Most youth programs have violence B. Present studies on other side 1. Poor parenting causes youth violence 2. Kids learn it from each other C. After weighing evidence it appears that TV does cause violence

26 EQ: How to I compare & evaluate various texts? Focus Standards: ELACC7W2: Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas, concepts, and information through the selection, organization, and analysis of relevant content. Today we are learning to define, identify, and cite evidence of informational text because there are features to every type of writing.

27 ACTIVATOR Conflict Chart Update: Update your Conflict Chart with all of the conflicts you have read about or discussed in class this week. (Draw a picture to help you remember the different types of conflict.)

28 WORK PERIOD Read Aloud: The Hunger Games (pg.27-33) Venn Diagram Comparison: You will compare and begin organizing your ideas using a t-chart. Chart the similarities and differences within the two articles we have read (“Bullying…” and “China…”) Small Group Discussion: Conferencing will take place to see your understanding and analysis of the text and the types of conflicts that are surfacing in the story. *Graded Assignment (Classwork)

29 CLOSING Ball Toss: What conflict will you compare with The Hunger Games and why? Man vs. Self Man vs. Man Man vs. Society Man vs. Nature

30 HOMEWORK Complete your Weekly Reading Passage (DUE FRIDAY). Read for 30 minutes and log it in your Reading Log.

31 January 27th, 2012 FRIDAY

32 SPONGE 1. What is the percentage of poverty outside the United States? a) 21% b) 18% c) 82% d) 22.4% 2. What country has the lowest number of kids in poverty? a) United Kingdom b) Italy c) Turkey d) United States Explain why you chose the answers you chose in two complete sentences.

33 Focus Standards: ELACC7W2: Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas, concepts, and information through the selection, organization, and analysis of relevant content. Today we are learning to define, identify, and cite evidence of informational text because there are features to every type of writing. EQ: How to I compare & evaluate various texts?

34 ACTIVATOR Venn Diagram Expectations: Take a look at the example of a detailed Venn Diagram so you understand the importance of including specific details (Later students will transfer this information, and provide a written explanation of your Venn Diagram.) Ms. Morris Mrs. Satterwhite

35 WORK PERIOD Venn Diagram Task You will create a Venn Diagram comparing The Hunger Games to one of the two informational articles we read this week. (“Bullying” and “China”) You will need to include 7-10 sentences or phrases in each section of the Venn Diagram (Regarding Conflicts). *Graded Assignment (Quiz)

36 CLOSING Pair-Share: Which article did you compare to The Hunger Games? What did they have in common? You have 1 minute to share commonalities you found between the two texts they analyzed with your elbow partner.

37 HOMEWORK Complete your Weekly Reading Passage (DUE FRIDAY). Read for 30 minutes and log it in your Reading Log.

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