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Epic and Important Notes

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Presentation on theme: "Epic and Important Notes"— Presentation transcript:

1 Epic and Important Notes
Informational Texts Epic and Important Notes

2 What Are Informational Texts?
Purpose: The primary purpose of informational text is to convey information about the natural or social world.

3 Videogame Walkthroughs
More Examples? Expository Argumentative Instructional Narrative Textbooks Opinion/Editorial Training Manuals Histories Reports Advertisements Videogame Walkthroughs News Articles Magazine Articles Propaganda User Guides Government Documents Memoirs Speeches Videogame Manuals

4 Step One: Informational Text Features
Informational Text Features help readers navigate and understand Informational Texts Print Features (Guide Readers) Table of Contents, Index, Glossary Illustrations (Expand Meaning) Pictures or Photos Organizational Aids (Help Readers Find) Bold Print, Titles, Headings Graphic Aids (Represent Information) Diagrams, Maps


6 Step 2: What Matters with Informational Texts?
Main Idea (What is it about – Topic/Subject) Main Idea = Topic + Details (YOU MUST PAY ATTENTION TO DETAILS) Author’s Purpose (The Reason They Are Writing) Teach, Persuade, Entertain, Express Personal Feelings Intended Audience (The People the Author Had In Mind) Reader’s Purpose How or why a piece of informational text can help you

7 Step 3: Five Types of Informational Texts
Description – Text Provides Details or Characteristics of Something Compare + Contrast – Text Talks about Similarities and Differences Order + Sequence – The Text Outlines Chronological (time) Events or Steps in a Procedure Problem + Solution – The text presents information about a problem and then offers one ore more solutions Cause + Effect – The text describes an event (cause) and the effects that follows Text Structures

8 Decoding: Breaking and Entering…
Once you have identified a text’s “Text Structure”, you have found the key. You can then unlock the text, pass the test, slay the dragon, and drive off in the hottest ride. To Do This: We Use Visuals Steps:

9 But Seriously… Once you have: Step 1: Use Text Features to… Step 2: Determine What Matters to… Step 3: Determine Text Structure And Use The Visual You have this on LOCK – you can SLAY whatever questions are thrown at you and completely comprehend the Informational Text

10 Five Text Structures = Five Visuals…

11 Five Text Structures = Five Visuals…
Text Strcture Compare and Congtrast

12 Five Text Structures = Five Visuals…
Text Structure Order and Sequence

13 Five Text Structures = Five Visuals…
Text Structure Problem and Solution “Problem” Solution(s)

14 Five Text Structures = Five Visuals…
Text Structure Cause and Effect

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