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I. Do Not Quench The Spirit (19). The Holy Spirit All power All wisdom All love Yet we can quench His influence Quench: to cause an action, state, or.

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Presentation on theme: "I. Do Not Quench The Spirit (19). The Holy Spirit All power All wisdom All love Yet we can quench His influence Quench: to cause an action, state, or."— Presentation transcript:

1 I. Do Not Quench The Spirit (19)

2 The Holy Spirit All power All wisdom All love Yet we can quench His influence Quench: to cause an action, state, or faculty to cease to function or exist…put out

3 Quench 1. Literal: put out fire, Mt.12:20; 25:8; Mk.9:48; Hb.11:34 2. Figurative: stifle, suppress. S.S.8:7; Je.4:4; Ep.6:16 3. Application: how to quench the Spirit Refuse to admit truth Believe but do not obey Rv.2:11

4 Context: spiritual gifts 1 Co.14:39 A prophet who withholds God’s mes- sage, sins A church that neglects this message will starve Holy Spirit Jn.14-16 Word Ac.2:3…41 Response Ep.4:14

5 Spiritual fire extinguishers 1. Distraction, 2 Th.3:6-11. Lack of fuel 2. Dishonesty, 2 Th.3:6, 14

6 Downward steps to apostasy Grieve, Ep.4:30 Resist, Ac.7:51 Quench, 1Th.5:19 Insult, Hb.10:29

7 Spiritual fire extinguishers 1. Distraction, 2 Th.3:6-11. Lack of fuel 2. Dishonesty, 2 Th.3:6, 14 3. Dissipation, 1 Th.4:1-8 (Mt.24:12)

8 Spiritual bellows fan the flame 2 Tim.1:6, stir up Cause to begin again, rekindle. Pictures remains of a fire, embers. How? Retrace steps that took you here 1. Desperation, Gn.45:27 [≠ distraction] 2. Dejection, Lk.15 [≠ dishonesty] 3. Dedication, 1 Th.1:9-10 [≠ dissipation]

9 I. Do Not Quench The Spirit (19) II. Do Not Despise Prophecies (20)

10 Prophecy To proclaim an inspired revelation (BDAG) An utterance inspired by God (L-N) 1. Not limited to foretelling, Ac.11:28 2. Gift of H.S., 1 Co.12:10; 13:9-10; 14:30 3. Valuable for... Congregation 1 Co.14:1-3 Unbelievers 1 Co.14:24-25

11 Despise Have no use for someth. As being beneath one’s consideration, reject disdainfully (BDAG) Set at nought (A-S) Aught: anything, Mt.5:23 Nought: nothing, zero Lk.18:9 Ac.4:11 Aught: anything, Mt.5:23 Nought: nothing, zero Lk.18:9 Ac.4:11

12 Some view Scripture as nought, 1 Th.5:20. They do not... Require it. “I don’t need that…” Respect it. Carnal minds… Respond to it. Waste of time… Rely on it. Bound by trust / confidence Rejoice in it. Life vs soul… Remain in it. As little as possible… Food? Money? Recreation?

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