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Conjunctions By: Osama 8-F. Coordinating conjunctions: connect words of the of the same kind, such as two or more nouns or verbs. They also connect larger.

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Presentation on theme: "Conjunctions By: Osama 8-F. Coordinating conjunctions: connect words of the of the same kind, such as two or more nouns or verbs. They also connect larger."— Presentation transcript:

1 Conjunctions By: Osama 8-F

2 Coordinating conjunctions: connect words of the of the same kind, such as two or more nouns or verbs. They also connect larger groups of words, such as prepositional phrases or even complete sentences.

3 Coordinating conjunctions are all rounded up in one word (fanboys). For And Nor But Or Yet So

4 Identifying Coordinating Conjunctions and 1- Ahmad and I read Quraan together. 2- We hurried but missed the bus anyway. 3- Did you read the news in the paper or on the internet? 4-We wanted to look at shoes, so we went to the mall.

5 Correlative Conjunctions: are pairs of words that connect similar kinds of words or groups of words

6 The following parts of words are correlative conjunctions. Both/and Either/or Neither/nor Not only/but also Wether/or

7 Identifying Correlative Conjunctions 1- Either painting or poetry would be fun to learn. 2- He neither smiled nor frowned during the conversation. 3- Look both in the dresser and under the bed for the other shoe. 4- Not only did I wash the dishes, but also I dried them.

8 Subordinating Conjunctions: connect two ideas by making one idea dependent on the other.

9 Identifying Subordinating Conjunctions 1- If I get a babysitting job, I will have some extra money. 2- Although I wanted pizza for dinner, my dad cooked pasta. 3- I read a magazine while I waited at the dentist’s office. 4- I haven’t gone for a bike ride since I crashed last fall.

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