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 Four Times You Must Use a Comma. # 1 Sentence, and/but/for/or/nor sentence. = BETWEEN TWO MAIN CLAUSES JOINED BY A CONJUNCTION (and-but-for-or-nor-so-yet.)

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Presentation on theme: " Four Times You Must Use a Comma. # 1 Sentence, and/but/for/or/nor sentence. = BETWEEN TWO MAIN CLAUSES JOINED BY A CONJUNCTION (and-but-for-or-nor-so-yet.)"— Presentation transcript:

1  Four Times You Must Use a Comma

2 # 1 Sentence, and/but/for/or/nor sentence. = BETWEEN TWO MAIN CLAUSES JOINED BY A CONJUNCTION (and-but-for-or-nor-so-yet.) FANBOYS We practiced using commas, and we did not jump out of the window.

3 # 2 SC, MC. = AFTER A SUBORDINATE CLAUSE Subordinate Clause, MC. When I moved to Kentucky, I started to elongate my i’s. MC SC. I started to elongate my i’s when I moved to Kentucky.

4 # 3 A, B, and C = BETWEEN ALL ITEMS IN A LIST I forgot my helmet, my shoulder pads, and my jersey today.

5 # 4, extra info, = AROUND EXTRA INFORMATION (including PHRASES THAT INTERRUPT)......., non-essential information,...... Ms. Landon, who can do 1,000 sit-ups in a row, is my English Teacher.

6 Three Times NOT to Use a Comma

7 # 1 S,V or V,O = DO NOT USE A COMMA TO SEPARATE A SUBJECT FROM ITS Verb OR A VERB FROM ITS OBJECT  My dog, ran and ate the neighbors petunias.

8 # 2 A and B = DO NOT USE A COMMA IN A LIST OF TWO THINGS  I went to the door, and rang the doorbell.

9 # 3, A, B, and C. = DO NOT USE A COMMA BEFORE A SIMPLE LIST OF ITEMS If the statement is NOT COMPLETE, put nothing. Go straight to the list.  The chimpanzee, jumped off the chandelier, threw the lemons, and bellowed obnoxiously. The chimpanzee jumped off the chandelier, threw the lemons, and bellowed obnoxiously.

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