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MUMMIES 7-Molly. Mummification Mummification was a long and complicated process. Egyptians believed that you would have a happy afterlife, so they mummified.

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Presentation on theme: "MUMMIES 7-Molly. Mummification Mummification was a long and complicated process. Egyptians believed that you would have a happy afterlife, so they mummified."— Presentation transcript:

1 MUMMIES 7-Molly

2 Mummification Mummification was a long and complicated process. Egyptians believed that you would have a happy afterlife, so they mummified their dead and put all their belonging in the tomb with them.

3 Removed from the Body Liver Lungs Intestines Stomach They were taken out with an incision just below the heart. These were put into their own jars. The brain was turned into liquid and removed through the nose. Canoptic jars

4 Left In the body Heart The heart was left in the body because the mummy needed it for the afterlife. It contained the person’s soul.

5 Brain Egyptians did not know the brain was a major key of life. The person mummifying the body would take a hooked tool, stick it up the mummies nose and pull out the brain The brain was discarded. Tools

6 Further Mummification the mummy is covered in natron (a type of salt), which will dehydrate the body. The body will dry for about 40 days. Then the Egyptians would decorate the body. The person’s soul had to be able to recognize the body in the afterlife.

7 Famous Mummies King Tut King Tut was famous for taking the throne early. Howard Carter found King Tut’s tomb in 1922. It was the 1 st undisturbed tomb. Merneptah Merneptah was the 4 th ruler of the 19 th dynasty. He started to rule at age 60 once his 13 brothers had died.

8 Pictures of Famous Mummies Hatshepsut Seti Ramses II A dog Tut

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