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Sheepy Parish – Shaping Our Future Information Evening No.1 – 3 rd March 2015.

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1 Sheepy Parish – Shaping Our Future Information Evening No.1 – 3 rd March 2015


3  Development is essential to ensure communities remain sustainable and enjoyable places to live (planning system)  Until now community involvement has been reactive rather than proactive  The Localism Act 2011 introduced new rights and powers for communities - Neighbourhood Planning  Gives the community direct power to develop a shared vision for development, growth and protecting what we already have.  A legally binding Neighbourhood Plan – a vision for the future (supported by the Parish Council)

4  A community-led plan for guiding future development, growth and protection within the Parish  Can cover the use and development of land taking into account social, economic and environmental issues  Can be a simple or as complex as needed/wanted but must pass an independent examination  Must be developed in consultation, be compliant with local and national policies and supported by the community  Once in place its policies are legally binding and form part of the HBBC development and local plans

5 Parish Co propose NP Get community support Define/agree NP area Establish St Gp Apply for funding Initial consultation/ engagement Identify and prioritise issues Identify scope and objectives Set up WGs Gather evidence Develop draft policies Consultation Draft NP Revise NP Independent Examination Referendum Submit Final NP NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN months 06 12 18243 START PLANFINALISE

6 CAN:  Decide where and what type of development should happen  Promote more development than in the Local Plan  Include policies on design standards  Identify areas for protection  Set out improvements or additions to facilities and services CANNOT:  Prevent any development taking place/block a specific proposal  Conflict with existing current statutory policies (e.g. Local Plan)  Be prepared by a body other than a parish council or without community support

7  Puts us in control: ◦ Sets out what the community wants  Environment  Housing  Local economy  Society, community and culture  Transport ◦ Controls undesirable ad hoc development ◦ It is the community’s vision and strategy for the future and must be taken into account by the Local Authority

8 Further information:  development-plan development-plan  

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