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  Windows/glass  Fireplaces  Mattresses stuffed with cotton, feathers, horse hair  Quilts  Printing press List some inventions of improvements that.

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Presentation on theme: "  Windows/glass  Fireplaces  Mattresses stuffed with cotton, feathers, horse hair  Quilts  Printing press List some inventions of improvements that."— Presentation transcript:


2   Windows/glass  Fireplaces  Mattresses stuffed with cotton, feathers, horse hair  Quilts  Printing press List some inventions of improvements that made life during the Renaissance more comfortable

3  What were some of the factors that contributed to improving life during the Renaissance?  Economic growth= more trade= more money  More luxurious goods= more demand

4  What were sumptuary laws?  Rules making it illegal to dress more powerful or richer than you really were  Purple was reserved for the royalty  Satin was only for the privileged

5  Why did people of the Renaissance have little access to fresh water?  Beer and wine (Italy)  Fresh water was hard to find

6  Why were the spices so desirable to the wealthy during the Renaissance?  Preserve food  Enhance taste- salt, pepper, cloves, ginger, etc.  Jazz up what was not fresh  To show off- “conspicuous consumption”

7  How did the diets of the rich differ from those of ordinary people?  Bread  Rich: white bread  Poor: dark bread  The rich are mutton, poultry, beef, lamb, fruits, potatoes, tomatoes, corn, beans, squash.  The poor ate cheese, bread, eggs.

8  Explain why the education of the masses became important during the Renaissance  More productive workers  Knew how to read, write, and do math for business

9  How did humanism affect everyday life?  Studied history, poetry, the key toethics  More people became literate  Universities built  Beginning of public schools  More founded the public schooling system in England  Education became a better life

10  What was the Black Plague?  An epidemic of a bacteria that killed 1/3 of Europe

11  What were some of the occupations of people living during the Renaissance?  Actor  Author  Merchant  Street cleaner  Tailor  Ship builder  Farmer  Shepherd  Play write  Teacher

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