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Doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/0723r0 Submission July 2008 Stephen McCann, RokeSlide 1 TGu Motions Date: 2008-07-14 Authors:

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Presentation on theme: "Doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/0723r0 Submission July 2008 Stephen McCann, RokeSlide 1 TGu Motions Date: 2008-07-14 Authors:"— Presentation transcript:

1 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/0723r0 Submission July 2008 Stephen McCann, RokeSlide 1 TGu Motions Date: 2008-07-14 Authors:

2 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/0723r0 Submission July 2008 Stephen McCann, RokeSlide 2 Abstract TGu motions & straw polls produced for the July 2008 meeting

3 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/0723r0 Submission July 2008 Stephen McCann, RokeSlide 3 Straw Poll Would you like to change Figure 5-10 to remove the ‘Mobility Management’ and ‘Interworking Service Management’ boxes from the SME and correct clause 21 appropriately. Result: Yes: 9, No: 0

4 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/0723r0 Submission July 2008 Stephen McCann, RokeSlide 4 Motion Move that IEEE 802.11u requests the IEEE 802.11 WG chairman to request that IEEE-SA publishes IEEE 802.11u Draft D3.0 as soon as is practical, knowing that it has passed the 75% approval threshold. Moved by: George Bumiller Seconded: Dave Stephenson Result: (for-against-abstain: 4/0/1)

5 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/0723r0 Submission July 2008 Stephen McCann, RokeSlide 5 Motion Move that IEEE 802.11u approves document 11-08- 0887-00-000u-state-1-location-query.doc, and requests the technical editor to incorporate it into the IEEE 802.11u draft document. Moved by: Dave Stephenson Seconded: Gabor Bajko Result: (for-against-abstain : 7/0/1)

6 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/0723r0 Submission July 2008 Stephen McCann, RokeSlide 6 Motion Move that IEEE 802.11u approves document 11-08-0894-00-000u- lb132-qosmap-in-re-association-response.doc, with editorial updates to table 7-11 and table 7-13 changing dot11InterworkingServiceEnabled to dot11QoSmapEnabled, and requests the technical editor to incorporate it into the IEEE 802.11u draft document. Moved by: Dave Stephenson Seconded: Mike Montemurro Result: (for-against-abstain : 4/0/1)

7 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/0723r0 Submission July 2008 Stephen McCann, RokeSlide 7 Motion Move that IEEE 802.11u approves document 11-08- 0890-00-000u-ssp-domain-name-query.doc and requests the technical editor to incorporate it into the IEEE 802.11u draft document. Moved by: Dave Stephenson Seconded: Mike Montemurro Result: (for-against-abstain : 7/0/1)

8 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/0723r0 Submission July 2008 Stephen McCann, RokeSlide 8 Straw Poll Should the query response provide the domain name (per RFC 1034), as opposed to the AAA realm (per RFC 4282). Result: (for 9, against 0)

9 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/0723r0 Submission July 2008 Stephen McCann, RokeSlide 9 Motion Move to approve an IEEE 802.11u Ad Hoc in Kauai, Hawaii, on September 3 rd – 5 th 2008, hosted by Donald Eastlake. Moved by: Dave Stephenson Seconded: Necati Canpolat Result: (for-against-abstain: 4/0/3)

10 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/0723r0 Submission July 2008 Stephen McCann, RokeSlide 10 Motion Move to approve the following IEEE 802.11u teleconferences: –August 8th 2008 : 10:00 ET [1 hr] –August 12th 2008 : 10:00 ET [1 hr] –August 19th 2008 : 10:00 ET [1 hr] –August 26th 2008 : 10:00 ET [2 hr] Moved by: Necati Canpolat Seconded: George Bumiller Result: (for-against-abstain : 3/1/1)

11 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/0723r0 Submission July 2008 Stephen McCann, RokeSlide 11 Straw Poll Should the text leave “dot11QosOptionImplemented is TRUE”, as opposed to “dot11QosOptionImplemented is Optional” in clause (referenced by CID 25) Result: (for 5, against 1)

12 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/0723r0 Submission July 2008 Stephen McCann, RokeSlide 12 Straw Poll Should the following text “Network supports end-to- end QoS from non-AP STA to all APs in ESS to PSAP. It is outside the scope of Interworking Services how this information is known to the AP”, in clause (referenced by CID 26) be: A) Left as is [1] B) Removed [2] C) Modified to remove “…to PSAP”. [1]

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